Elizabeth Olsen has become a major star of the Marvel Cinematic Universe, but that’s not all she’s doing with her career. At the time of writing this, Olsen’s buzzworthy HBO Max miniseries Love & Death is premiering its final episode – just growing proof that she’s properly situation to go far beyond her role as Wanda Maximoff/Scarlet Witch. In a new interview, Elizabeth Olsen addresses joining other major franchises besides the MCU – an how eager (or not) she is to make the leap.
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Josh Horowitz hosted Elizabeth Olsen on his Happy Sad Confused podcast, and they addressed whether or not Olsen feels a “need” to do other big franchises. In short: Olsen is looking to go the complete opposite way:
“Oh gosh no – it’s the opposite,” Olsen stated in no uncertain terms. “It’s almost like I see my past, and I see a road over here and a road over here and I’ve been traveling down this road and now I’m trying to like make a left-hand turn a bit. Steer back a little bit.” She later added that “I need to explore certain things for myself, I think. And I want to just get back to filmmaker-driven stuff.”
Now some Marvel fans (critics) may hear that as Elizabeth Olsen is somehow being done or frustrated with Marvel – but that’s far from the case. Olsen has already made it clear that she’s already had conversations with Kevin Feige about Wanda’s return (after seemingly dying in Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness); from the sound of things, Marvel Studios is introduced to giving a certain amount of influence over where Scarlet Witch goes next. That’s smart: Marvel needs to retain whatever big stars remain from the “old guard” days.

Olsen went on in the interview to explain in more depth where her head is at, specifically, when it comes to her career path going forward:
“I think I’ve tried to find my grounding along the way, but I do think that when I started having job opportunities where I wasn’t me just auditioning for anything and everything… I didn’t really understand how to say no to projects, or how to decipher whether or not I should do something or not, or hold off for something else. Like I didn’t really have a philosophy or a plan. And I still don’t really have plan, but I have more of a philosophy I guess. And that’s nice to know, and that’s nice to have, and that’s good information when I’m looking through projects with that kind of lens and knowledge now.”
You can catch Elizabeth Olsen in Love & Death now streaming on Max.