The sequel to Split and Unbreakable, Glass, is moving forward quite quickly, with filmmaker M. Night Shyamalan taking to Twitter to announce that Samuel L. Jackson had finished principal photography on the film, which has almost wrapped filming.
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1 week left of shooting #Glass. Yesterday was @SamuelLJackson last shot. Had to fight back tears. These are more than movies to me.
โ M. Night Shyamalan (@MNightShyamalan) November 18, 2017
Filming has been taking place in Pennsylvania, a popular locale for many of Shyamalan’s films.
One of the possible reasons that Shyamalan got so emotional when the actor wrapped filming could be due to having first worked with him on the 2000 film and potentially never saw the opportunity to continue that story.
1999 saw the release of Shyamalan’s breakout hit The Sixth Sense, the story of a young boy (Haley Joel Osment) who could see ghosts walking amongst the living. Understandably, the boy was quite fearful of these apparitions, with a child psychologist (Bruce Willis) helping the boy confront his fears. In the film’s final scenes, the story revealed that the psychologist was also a ghost, unaware that he had been dead during all of his encounters with the boy.
With Unbreakable, Bruce Willis played David Dunn, a man who was seemingly impervious to injury. The film went on to reveal that Dunn did indeed have a supernatural ability, with the narrative serving more as a superhero story than a horror story. The film also revealed that Samuel L. Jackson‘s character in the film had orchestrated a series of attacks around the city, as his fragile skeleton led him to believe he was a villain and a hero must exist whose powers were in stark contrast of his weaknesses.
Throughout the late ’00s and early ’10s, Shyamalan’s films were received more poorly, making audiences doubt the filmmaker’s abilities. That all changed with this year’s Split, which was not only a compelling thriller in its own right, but also included a scene before the credits that featured Willis reprise his role as Dunn, confirming that the narrative unfolded in the same universe as Unbreakable.
The financial and critical success has led to Glass, which sees the return of Unbreakable‘s Willis and Jackson, as well as Split‘s James McAvoy and Anya Taylor-Joy.
Glass is slated to hit theaters in January of 2019.
[H/T Twitter, MNightShyamalan]