The world woke up Wednesday morning to the sad news that beloved Indian actor Irrfan Khan had died at just 53 years of age. The Bollywood star died from a medical complication that arose from a colon infection, which stemmed from a neuroendocrine tumor that Khan was diagnosed with in 2018. At the time of his passing, Khan was surrounded by his loved ones. News of his passing broke in the early hours of the morning, so most folks in the United States didn’t find out until they got up to start their day.
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“‘I trust, I have surrendered’, these were the some of the many words that Irrfan expressed in a heartfelt note he wrote in 2018 opening up about his fight with cancer. And a man of few words and an actor of silent expressions with his deep eyes and his memorable actions on screen,” read a statement from Khan’s publicist after his passing. “It’s saddening that this day, we have to bring forward the news of him passing away. Irrfan was a strong soul, someone who fought till the very end and always inspired everyone who came close to him. After having been struck by lightning in 2018 with the news of a rare cancer, he took life soon after as it came and he fought the many battles that came with it.
“Surrounded by his love, his family for whom he most cared about, he left for heaven abode, leaving behind truly a legacy of his own. We all pray and hope that he is at peace. And to resonate and part with his words he had said, ‘As if I was tasting life for the first time, the magical side of it.’”
Following the news of Khan’s death, fans from around the world, as well as other stars and filmmakers in Hollywood, took to Twitter to mourn the loss of the beloved figure.
His Humanity Will Be Badly Missed
Irrfanโs art and humanity will be badly missed. Never seen someone use the beats of silence so beautifully to convey so much about who we are. Sending love to Sutapa and the family.
โ Kal Penn (@kalpenn) April 29, 2020
He Lives On in His Films
A grateful fan of #IrrfanKhan here. Gone too soon. When he is on screen, you canโt take your eyes off of him. He lives on in his films.
โ Ava DuVernay (@ava) April 29, 2020
A Class Act
Woke up to the sad news that Irrfan Khan has died at 53. One of those absolutely reliable character actors and not-often-enough leads (“The Lunchbox”) who made a movie better just by showing up. An arthouse star in India, a sure bet in H’wood films. RIP to a class act.
โ Ty Burr (@tyburr) April 29, 2020
Will Be Missed
Irrfan Khan was a wonderful presence. Left us far too young and will be missed.
โ Will Mavity (@mavericksmovies) April 29, 2020
Wish He Saw How Deeply He Was Loved
Tell people how much you value them. Tell them about the light inside of them. A testimonial is better than an obituary. I only wish Irrfan Khan today saw how deeply he was loved.
โ Rituparna Chatterjee (@MasalaBai) April 29, 2020
Such an Awful Loss
Each Irrfan Khan performance was music โ full of soul, heart, wit and his own singular rhythm. And he was the loveliest man. Such an awful loss.
โ Cameron Bailey (@cameron_tiff) April 29, 2020
Magic on the Screen
Feel sad to see Irrfan Khan depart so early. He breathed life into every character he played, Paan Singh Tomar being my personal favourite. We will miss his magic on the screen! #IrrfanKhan #RIPIrfan
โ Lokesh Nara #StayHomeSaveLives (@naralokesh) April 29, 2020
Oh no. I adore Irrfan Khan. He was consistently present and incredible both in western and Indian cinema, which is still too unique. Just heartbreaking.
โ Babu Prit (Preeti Chhibber) (@runwithskizzers) April 29, 2020
Huge Loss
Deeply saddened to hear about demise of irrfan khan. This is huge loss to the world. May his soul rest in peace โฎ๏ธ @irrfank #IrrfanKhan
โ jermanjit singh (@jammy_sandhu) April 29, 2020
Rest in Peace
Irrfan Khan – what a brilliant actor. Great loss to the world of cinema. May he rest in peace
โ Humayun Saeed (@iamhumayunsaeed) April 29, 2020