Things are gearing up for the third installment of the Jurassic World trilogy. Set to be released next year, Jurassic World 3 will the return of Chris Pratt as Owen Grady and Bryce Dallas Howard as Claire Dearing but will also see the exciting return of original Jurassic Park alums Laura Dern, Sam Neill, and Jeff Goldblum and recently, Pratt shared that work on the third film would be getting underway. Now, Howard is backing that information up by sharing a first look at the return of Claire Dearing in a new post to social media offering a look at the star getting back into the look and feel of the character.
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On Saturday, Howard shared a photo of herself on Twitter revealing her new haircut, thanking the person responsible for creating the layered look for Claire. You can check it out below.
Thank you Jason Low for Claire’s hair part 3! Love the layers! You are brilliant ❤️💇♀️
— Bryce Dallas Howard (@BryceDHoward) February 15, 2020
“Thank you Jason Low for Claire’s hair part 3!” Howard wrote. “Love the layers! You are brilliant!”
Jurassic World 3 will also see the return of director Colin Trevorrow who helmed the first film in the World trilogy. Trevorrow previously explained that the events of the films have all been leading up to Jurassic World 3 with the upcoming movie being set up heavily by the events of Fallen Kingdom as well as the recently released short film Battle at Big Rock, which shows the state of society across the United States now that dinosaurs are roaming free on the North American continent.
“Battle At Big Rock is a short film that takes place one year after the events of Fallen Kingdom,” Trevorrow explained in an interview with Collider. “It’s about a family on a camping trip to Big Rock National Park, about 20 miles from where the last film ended. There have been a few sightings, but this is the first major confrontation between dinosaurs and humans.”
“The world is bigger than just the characters we’ve been following in the films,” Trevorrow explained. “We’ve finally taken the story off Isla Nublar, we wanted to show a glimpse of that new reality. If this really happened, you’d see a series of random disconnected incidents that would create a pattern of chaos. I wanted to see one of those incidents.”
And when it comes to how the film incorporates original Jurassic Park stars, Trevorrow explained that they had to come up with a logical reason to bring it all together.
“We’d have had to come up with a reason why Ellie, Malcolm, and Grant all went to the theme park on the exact same day it broke down – again,” Trevorrow previously confirmed to Empire. “The next film allows the legacy characters to be a part of the story in an organic way. Emily Carmichael and I call it ‘Jurassic Park VI,’ because it is.”
Jurassic World 3 is currently set to open in theaters on June 11, 2021.