
Month of Cage: Nicolas Cage Says He’d Make Another Face/Off, Which We’re Watching Tonight


We’re celebrating a Month of Cage here at in honor of the upcoming release of The Unbearable Weight of Massive Talent. The new movie sees Nicolas Cage playing himself alongside Pedro Pascal, who portrays a billionaire super-fan of Cage’s who hires the actor to come to his birthday party. Some of the staff are watching one Cage movie every day until the movie’s release, and today is Face/Off day. The 1997 John Woo classic sees Cage’s villainous Castor Troy trading faces with John Travolta’s FBI agent, Sean Archer. Today, we are hosting our first Month of Cage watch party on Twitter HERE. We couldn’t have scheduled it better, because Cage took part in a Reddit AMA earlier today and revealed he would be open to making another Face/Off

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“Would you do a Face/Off 2?” one fan asked. Cage simply replied, “Yes.” Another fan wrote, “Face/Off is one of my favorite action movies. How did you go through the process of learning to portray a different actor?” Cage replied, “Thank you. Face/Off is my favorite action movie, largely because we had the maestro John Woo to direct. The process was a matter of getting video of Travolta’s dailies and trying to study it so I could copy his voice and movements. John Travolta conversely did the same with my dailies.” Twitter user @jennlynnjordan shared some screenshots of the AMA. You can check out the thread below:^tfw

If you love Cage as much as we do, check out our Month of Cage streaming guide, and join our Twitter community. Our next watch party will be Ghost Rider on April 16th at 9 PM CT. 

While it’s hard to imagine Face/Off without Cage or Travolta, the movie has been confirmed to be getting revival, but Cage claims that he has yet to be approached. The new Face/Off is expected to be a sequel, not a reboot, so it’s hard to imagine how Cage could fit it, but in a world where two men can switch faces, anything is possible. 

“I have not heard hide nor hair about it,” Cage previously shared with The Hollywood Reporter. “So often these things we read about are just conjecture without any base or foundation to it. I feel the same about National Treasure 3. It’s been 14 years. There’s no there, there. So, is it fun to think about? Sure. Would [Face/Off 2] be an exciting movie to make? Oh, hell yeah. But John Woo was such a huge voice in that movie. It couldn’t be a remake. I think these filmmakers even said as much — that something like that would have to be a sequel.”

Join us for our Face/Off watch party on Twitter HERE, tonight at 9 PM CT.