
The Internet Is Replacing Movie Casts With Muppets and the Results Are Hilarious

Muppets make everything better and if you don’t believe it then you really need to check out a […]

Muppets make everything better and if you don’t believe it then you really need to check out a hilarious meme on Twitter replacing the casts of movies with Muppets.

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In response to a mini question and answer session by Film Crit Hulk on Twitter today, a user by the name of Cory Taylor presented a challenge: replace the cast of any movie with the Muppets but keep one human actor. Seems fun enough, right? The rest of Twitter seemed to think so, too. The challenge quickly went viral, generating over 4,000 replies from people eager to share their fresh Muppet takes on a range of movies, everything from classic films to fan-favorite cult films, to even major Hollywood blockbusters. And we have to admit, some of the choices are pure gold.

While some of the movies suggested on Twitter sound like something we’d want to see — a suggestion of Die Hard with Kermit the Frog replacing Bruce Willis sounds so bizarre it’s amazing — fans of the Muppets have to wait a bit longer for the classic characters to make their way back to screens — big or small. Earlier this year, THR reported that Disney is planning to reboot the iconic Muppets franchise for its original streaming service that is planned for launch next year. The most recent television series featuring the characters, The Muppets, ran for one season beginning in 2015 before being cancelled.

While details on Disney’s new streaming service — and The Muppets reboot by extension — are still few and far between, these Muppet/movies mashups will certainly help make the wait easier. But don’t just take our word for it. Read on for some of our favorite mashups and be sure to let us know your favorite in comments!

‘The (Muppet) Avengers’

‘(Muppet) Rambo: First Blood’

‘(Muppet) Die Hard’

‘Lord of the (Muppet) Rings’

‘(Muppet) Star Trek’

‘The Last (Muppet) Jedi’

‘Big Trouble in Little (Muppet) China’

‘The Dark (Muppet) Knight’

‘The Blair Witch (Muppet) Project’

‘The Rocky Horror (Muppet) Picture Show’