
Netflix Introducing New Tool That Lets Users Remove Things From “Continue Watching” List

Have you ever watched a few minutes of a TV show or movie on Netflix and quickly decided you […]

Have you ever watched a few minutes of a TV show or movie on Netflix and quickly decided you didn’t watch the rest? It’s happened to all of us at one point or another, a fact that is only made frustrating when you realize that particular title is stuck on the top of your home page in the “Continue Watching” section. You don’t want to continue watching it, but it’s been a year and the title is still just sitting there when you open Netflix, begging you to try again. Fortunately, Netflix is introducing a way to fix that.

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The streaming service has begun a rollout for a new feature that allows you to remove titles from your “Continue Watching” list, helping to keep them off of your home page. The new feature has already appeared on the Netflix app for Android devices, and is expected to arrive on iOS by the end of the month.

Take a look at the photo below, which was posted online by the folks at The Verge. The screenshot shows the new feature in action on an Android device, explaining exactly how to remove titles from the list.

As you can see, all you need to do is tap on the title of the movie or TV show you want removed and Netflix will give you a list of a few options. The very last option on the menu reads “Remove from Row,” and clicking that will take the show or movie off of the list entirely. It’s that simple!

This menu will also include options to show episodes of the series, get additional info, or download the title to your device. The new feature will be available on both Apple and Android mobile devices, but it’s unclear at this time if the rollout will also be extended to desktop users or other streaming devices.

Thankfully, with the help of this new feature, cleaning up your Netflix homepage just got a whole lot easier.

What do you think of Netflix’s latest feature? Will you be removing some unwanted clutter from your “Continue Watching” list sometime soon? Let us know in the comments!