'Spawn' Movie Script Being Tweaked And Pitched To Studios

Spawn is making his way back to the big screen, and we recently had the chance to talk to Todd [...]

Spawn is making his way back to the big screen, and we recently had the chance to talk to Todd McFarlane about the script, the status of the film, and what studio the movie will call home.

McFarlane recently spoke to ComicBook.com's Jim Viscardi about where the movie currently is in development, and it looks like things are close to moving full speed ahead after a few tweaks are made.

"Yeah, I've got somebody that's doing some tweaks on this script right now," McFarlane told ComicBook.com. "And as soon as we're done with that, we're gonna go full steam ahead. I've got financial people waiting in the wings, so if the studios decide that they're gonna hesitate, then we're gonna just go with outside money."

Regardless of if Spawn finds a studio home or not, the movie is being made, so it's really just a matter of time before we see Spawn on the big screen once again.

That said, McFarlane is gearing up to pitch the project to several major studios, and whether or not the film lands under their umbrella will depend on what they foresee their plan to be with the movie and when they are looking to launch it.

"I mean, so we're gonna do it. Right? We're gonna do it. It depends on how married we're gonna be to a studio at the time that we do it," McFarlane said.

As for a production start date, McFarlane is keeping his options open, especially since that could vary with what a Studio has planned for the rest of the year.

"Jim, not really, because here's how it would work, is that let's say even we had let's say, three studios, right? Let's just pick three," McFarlane said. "So we got Sony. I'm gonna make it all up. Sony, Universal, Paramount, the ones that don't have Marvel and DC. They should hopefully be more interested. Even if they all showed interest at the same time, our questions are gonna be, "Well, what kind of marketing campaign are you gonna do with it?" And then number two, "What are your slots that you have?" Right?"

"And so, some of them may say, "Hey, I've got this campaign, and we've got this slot," McFarlane said. "We think it would be better, but you have to wait another three, four, five months till we got the opening that we think is right." And somebody else might say, "Hey, we can go sooner than that, but maybe we're not gonna pour as much into advertising." And we'll just have to weigh those variables, and then go, "Which one do we think makes the most sense for the project's success as a whole?"

So Spawn fans, are you excited for the new movie? What do you want to see? Let us know in the comments!


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