Netflix’s latest action hit, Trigger Warning, brings Jessica Alba to the streaming service as a Special Forces operative attempting to uncover the small town conspiracy that cost her father his life. From director Mouly Surya, Trigger Warning is a thriller that leans heavily into its hard-hitting action sequences. Those fight scenes, specifically the hand-to-hand brawls between Alba’s Parker and her enemies, are the strongest element of the entire film.
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It takes a literal village to put good action scenes together, but at the center there needs to be a director and actor operating on the same wavelength. Surya and Alba were able to create that chemistry. ComicBook spoke to the director and star ahead of the film’s Netflix premiere last week, and they broke down what went into crafting those numerous fight scenes together.
“We talk a lot. We talk a lot about all the details,” Alba told us. “I actually felt like we leaned further into the intention and the motivation of the character every step of the way. So then nothing was in vain and nothing felt silly. I think that was the biggest thing. We just needed a purpose for everything to be happening the way it was happening. And once we nailed that, the action can be as wild and cool and choreographed. As long as you come in a grounded way.”
Surya jumped in to add that the chemistry between herself and Alba was able to exist because of the honest relationship they’ve created. Neither one were afraid to share their thoughts with the other, leading to a deeper trust and understanding.
“What I love about our working relationship is that you never hesitate to tell me what to think, and I will tell you what I think and we’re brutally honest,” said Surya. “But it’s not like it’s rivalry. It’s not like that at all. It’s a very healthy debate. It’s a debate, but it’s fun. It can be quite intense, but in a way, I think that’s the chemistry I think that’s what you saw on screen. That’s the energy that came through the screen.”
“It’s a healthy tension,” added Alba. “We’re both fighting for the best version of what this movie can be, and we have a lot of respect for one another.”
Trigger Warning is now streaming on Netflix.