Zack Snyder’s Justice League Star Ray Fisher Says Cyborg’s Story Will “Hit Some Hearts”

Ray Fisher says Cyborg's story in Zack Snyder's Justice League, director Zack Snyder's original [...]

Ray Fisher says Cyborg's story in Zack Snyder's Justice League, director Zack Snyder's original vision for Justice League never released into theaters, will "hit some hearts" when it restores the filmmaker's plans for the superhero who is part man, part machine. After briefly introducing the character alongside other future league members in 2016's Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice, Snyder described the story of Victor Stone — a star athlete who lost his mother and most of his organic body in an accident before being saved by his father, Silas Stone (Joe Morton), who used alien technology to rebuild his son with cybernetic enhancements — as "the heart of the movie."

"Cyborg in Zack Snyder's Justice League, he's not a happy camper by any stretch, but I don't think anybody would be if you had just lost everything that you've known about yourself," Fisher told TheNiceCast. "Your body, you've lost your mother, you've lost your ability to play football, one of the defining things that you've established for yourself. You've lost a sense of yourself, and it's about finding that again, finding that humanity again."

Crediting the work of Snyder and screenwriter Chris Terrio, Fisher added plans for Justice League originally touched on deeper themes not present in the theatrical version completed by Joss Whedon.

"There's a ton of allegory with respect to that in being a Black man, and just the journey that Black people have taken in this country," Fisher said. "It can go as deep as you will allow it to, and I thank my stars that I was in the capable hands of Chris and Zack to be like, 'Listen, how far are we going to take this? This can hit some hearts, man. It can really hit some hearts.'"

For Snyder's film now undergoing work to release on the HBO Max streaming service next year, Fisher added, "Knock on wood, everything goes according to plan and we get this thing out here in 2021. But knock on wood, it does hit some hearts."

Beyond bringing to screen a more fleshed-out Cyborg, the star believes announcing the release of the Snyder Cut "may be the turn around for 2020. People need something to look forward to and hope for."

"This is pure jubilation," Fisher added. "This is nothing but good."

Warner Bros. will release Zack Snyder's Justice League exclusively on the HBO Max streaming service in 2021.