Zack Snyder's Justice League 75% Done With VFX Work, Director Confirms

Work continues on Zack Snyder's Justice League, the highly anticipated extended cut of the DC [...]

Work continues on Zack Snyder's Justice League, the highly anticipated extended cut of the DC Comics film, and the director has offered an update that has fans stoked! While taking part in a fan Q&A on Vero, Snyder himself was asked how far along the visual effects for his cut were, with the director estimating that it was 75% completed as of today. Given the unique nature of Zack Snyder's Justice League coming together, it has a different kind of post-production from the typical Hollywood blockbuster that often has a release date even before it begins filming. This news of its VFX completion should be music to fan's ears though, and fits right in with the timeline previously teased for its release.

"On the subject of HBO Max, there are so many amazing HBO original series and Max originals I'm excited about," WarnerMedia CEO Jason Kilar wrote in a company blog post earlier this month. "The Tiger Woods HBO documentary arriving in January is incredible. And this little thing called Zack Snyder's Justice League coming in a few months as well." No official premiere date for the four episode cut has been revealed but Kilar's comments have many fans anticipating an early 2021 debut.

Other: VFX is 75% done for ZSJL from r/DC_Cinematic

A previous interview with Snyder and his wife/producing partner Deborah revealed that even though the studio was excited by the prospect of releasing the fabled Snyder Cut, the sudden rise of the COVID-19 pandemic earlier this year made them nervous about it and made them consider delaying it.

"People thought, 'It won't be possible to ramp up, and that maybe this should go on the back burner,'" Deborah Snyder previously told THR. "But we said, 'No, this is the right time' because our visual effects houses that rely on so much are running out of work, so now is the time to be doing this."

Looks like they were right and those effects houses have been working hard to get it ready!

As fans know, some additional photography took place for the Snyder Cut, and even though it saw many cast members return including star Ben Affleck as Batman and Ezra Miller as The Flash (plus Jared Leto joined too, reprising as The Joker), it won't actually beef up the run time by a lot.

"In the end, it's gonna probably be about four minutes or five minutes of additional photography," Snyder previously said. "In the four hours that is Justice League, it is four minutes."

There's no word yet on when Zack Snyder's Justice League releases on HBO Max, but the project is supposed to hit the streamer sometime in 2021. Snyder is also lobbying for a theatrical component to happen alongside its streaming debut.