Arrow: 7 Big Takeaways From the PaleyFest Sizzle Reel

A sizzle reel trailer for the rest of Arrow's third season was released at PaleyFest this weekend [...]


A sizzle reel trailer for the rest of Arrow's third season was released at PaleyFest this weekend and, among other things, showed us that a whole lot more people are about to find out who Oliver Queen really is.

Packed into about two minutes of footage was a lot of information.

Let's try to make some sense of some of it, shall we?


Ray and Lance discover Oliver's secret identity

Both Ray Palmer and Captain Lance are after the Arrow at various points in this promo. It seems likely that it's because Arrow has been framed for a series of murders (see "Arrow vs. Arrow," below), including probably the attack on Ray Palmer and the mayor's office teased in the synopsis for an upcoming episode.

That said, the bigger thing than Ray is Lance; not only does it appear he goes on a spree, trying to apprehend Team Arrow, but a scene that seems to take place in the back of a paddy wagon gets very personal. A line that "you made us criminals, liars and victims" is clearly talking about the Lance family as much as, or more than, it's talking about the city at large.


Lance and the SWAT team take the Foundry

All of the Lance stuff culminates with that last moment of the ad, where Lance and the SWAT team are doing a sweep through the Foundry.

Good thing we had the whole plot point early in the season where Oliver had a second base of operations set up, which we've never gone back to again.


Arrow fights Arrow

You can pretty much trace a whole plot thread in this ad; there's another guy in an Arrow suit, he's killing people and attacking cops. Oliver catches and unmasks him.

This is presumably what precipitates the raid on the Foundry as well as the upcoming episode title "Public Enemy."

This is also one of those things that plays smaller than it really is. The whole season has been about identity, and about the question of whether Oliver Queen and the Arrow can coexist. It appears that Ra's al Ghul wants to "kill" both and subsume both of those identities to Ra's, with Oliver taking on the title.


Family troubles

Not only do we have Nyssa (probably not unexpectedly) going after Ra's, but we've also got Captain Lance holding a gun on Laurel.

...And just as Oliver and Thea were starting to get functional, too.

Oh, wait. Thea is standing over Merlyn with a knife at one point while he sleeps. Also...


Roy and Thea

Woohoo! Kissin' time!

This couple reuniting might seem dangerous for one or both of them considering all that talk about saying good-bye and the hardest scenes Colton Haynes has ever had to shoot and how somebody will die late in the season. It feels like the completion of their arc, which isn't a good place to land in this show.

shadoHey, look! Shado!

We're still assuming it's a hallucination...but seriously, what the hell?


Gunfight with Waller

We knew Waller isn't happy with Oliver in the flashbacks. Apparently this comes to a gunfight. And she's already bleeding here, so whatever happens when these two crazy kids part ways, it won't be good...probably for either.