Arrow: Easter Eggs and DC Comics References in "The Offer"

Tonight's episode of Arrow didn't give a lot of downtime, for Easter eggs or anything [...]


Tonight's episode of Arrow didn't give a lot of downtime, for Easter eggs or anything else.

Still, there was some stuff. And that's what we're here for!

So...what did we spot? What did we miss? Read on.

The Offer

We touched on this before, but the titular offer is something that Ra's generally has offered to Batman (and others, including briefly Bane).

The idea of Ra's al Ghul as a title is something that fans have long discussed, not unlike the idea that James Bond or Nick Fury might be.

"The tale to be told begins thus."

The man and the legend

"My legacy will not be just ash and bone; it will be history."

That sounds a lot like Ra's al Ghul's Batman Begins philosophy about why Batman should embrace theatricality.

Self-fulfilling prophecy

The whole "you will be scorned and hunted" thing is a little less credible when we've seen strong evidence that it won't happen naturally but as a result of manipulation by the League.

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Lazarus Pit

Now, we've got confirmation that the Lazarus Pit that we've already talked about a half-dozen times this season is indeed THE Lazarus Pit.

We even get to see it heal a sword wound!

"We are justice"

Both Ra's and Nyssa talk a bit about justice in this episode, which jives with producer Marc Guggenheim's oft-repeated comments that the League lives by a code of conduct.

It's interesting to see the themes of justice and identity repeated throughout various characters and groups of characters this season, and how everyone has it slightly different. One wonders how much of that will pay off and how much will just be to get fans thinking/talking.

Oliver as Ra's

That "Go home, Nyssa" was very...authoritative?

It almost kind of seems like they were trying to tease his role as Ra's this episode, in order to sell the drama of the offer. And it worked to make Nyssa listen to him.

Vigilante justice

I don't remember if we've ever had this crisis of faith with a cop who had already thrown in with the hero before onscreen. It's an interesting path to take, since generally once you're with them, you're with them.

Murmur 01


In the comics, Murmur went on a killing spree (mostly cops) that landed him on death row.

But his blood was so abnormal that lethal injection could not kill him. Later, in Iron Heights, Amar cut out his own tongue and sewed his mouth shut, becoming Murmur.

What can one man do?

That's a recurring question on this series, and for good reason.