Avengers: Age Of Ultron Is Now Fifth Highest Grossing Movie Of All Time Worldwide

Marvel's Avengers: Age of Ultron has climbed past Harry Potter and the Death Hallows - Part 2 for [...]


Marvel's Avengers: Age of Ultron has climbed past Harry Potter and the Death Hallows - Part 2 for fifth place all-time at the worldwide box office.

The Avengers sequel has now grossed $1.348B ($910.2M overseas and $438.015M domestic), which bests the final Harry Potter film's worldwide gross of $1.341B.

It now trails Furious 7, which is 4th best with $1.510B. That's only $8.6M shy of The Avengers, which is in third place all-time.

Avengers: Age of Ultron is still playing in 91 territories, so there is still an outside shot it could creep up on both of them. Eh, maybe I'm being too optimistic.