Ben Affleck Rumored To Have Filmed First Batman Vs. Superman Scene

Warner Bros. filmed the first scenes for Batman Vs. Superman this weekend during a football game [...]

Ben Affleck Multi-Picture Deal Batman

Warner Bros. filmed the first scenes for Batman Vs. Superman this weekend during a football game at East Los Angeles College's Weingart Stadium. We know for a fact that director Zack Snyder was in attendance, as he was captured in photos and video taken at the event. In the scenes that were filmed publicly, only extras were involved and none of the star actors were spotted. However, is reporting on a rumor that Ben Affleck also filmed a scene at the stadium earlier in the day. Collider is generally a very reliable source, but in this case, they are labeling their report as one  that should be taken with a grain of salt. According to an email they received from one of their readers, an extra who was playing a Gotham football player said that Affleck filmed a scene in the locker room before the crowds arrived. In the scene, Affleck reportedly appeared as Bruce Wayne, and he delivered a motivational speech to the Gotham City University players. Batman Vs. Superman is scheduled to be released in movie theaters on July 17, 2015.