Comic Book Previews for January 20th, 2010

We're diving right in this week, as we've got several big, exciting, bold and fresh stories and [...]

We're diving right in this week, as we've got several big, exciting, bold and fresh stories and titles for you to rush out and get this Wednesday when all the new comic book goodies arrive in stores! DC Comics leads us off this week and our first stop is a look at the pages of Green Lantern Corps #44 as Red Lantern Guy Gardner, yep, you read that right, goes into his full on rage in this issue, a tie-in to Blackest Night! The Flash has lots of deceased enemies, a fact that comes screaming back into the forefront this week, as Blackest Night: The Flash #2 drops. How many Rogues will return in this issue to make life difficult for not only Flash, but the surviving Rogues as well, specifically Captain Cold! The Atom attempts to do something that many have tried but few have dared or succeeded in: enter the mind of The Joker! He does that in this week's intriguing The Brave and the Bold #31. Can The Atom learn something that Batman struggled to for years? A new creative team takes over The Outsiders this month with issue twenty-six. Be there to see what wonders Dan DiDio and Philip Tan come up with, and believe us, their first issue already has plenty of action and narrative punch! Batman: Streets of Gotham #8 sets up a cracking showdown between the newest Boy Wonder, Damien, and murderous psycho Zsasz. Superman/Batman #68 starts a new story arc. Be sure to jump onboard if you've been craving this iconic team-up!

Captain America's monthly adventures are back with this month's Captain America #602. How does the world handle two Caps? The questions and answers begin here! Norman Osborn's war against Asgard picks up steam in two very key issues this week. Dark Avengers #13 is a good place to start, as, finally, pieces of the mystery surrounding the super-powered Sentry begin to unravel. How will his power fare in war with the gods? Dark Wolverine #82 kicks off a new three-part story for Daken, but what will he do during the Siege is the big question! Speaking of Wolverines, Uncanny X-Men #520 shows Logan and Fantomex tracking a rogue Predator X in the sewers of New York to prevent more death and loss! Amazing Spider-Man #618 kicks off the next round of the gauntlet for Spidey, as Mysterio, everyone's favorite domed villain, returns for his crack against his old foe. Spider-Woman #5 continues Jessica Drew's journey towards self-discovery, as she comes face to face with the Skrulls in this shocking conclusion to the first story arc of the series!

Over at Image Comics, Chris Giarusso's G-Man wraps up his current story in G-Man: Cape Crisis #5. How will the quest to regain his powers end for G and his partner Great Man? The Mice Templar: Destiny #6 certainly has big things in store for Karic! Just what is up to the Bats of Meave! The third issue of Cowboy Ninja Viking takes us one step closer to the conclusion this week! How will our resident skilled multiple-personalitied patient handle himself this go round! It's a Star Wars kinda week over at Dark Horse, as this week sees two of their major titles tied to that franchise released. First up is Star Wars: Dark Times #15, which takes us into Blue Harvest part three and a Jedi forced to play both sides in order to survive. Don't forget about Star Wars:Knights of the Old Republic # 49 though, as the series builds to the conclusion of its current story arc! Last but not least is Solomon Kane: Death's Black Riders #1, a new series following the events of Castle of the Devil. There's dirty work afoot in the Black Forest of Germany, and Kane is determined to put a stop to the evil, no matter what form! Pilot Season: Stealth leads off the line-up for Top Cow this week, as their fan-based project continues with this next installment, courtesy of power team Robert Kirkman and Sheldon Mitchell. How will protagonist Todd Carey cope with life and a father who used to be a superhero?? It all starts, depending on your votes, with this issue! Tracker #3 sees the search for vicious serial killer Herod heat up as O'Roark and Kendal continue their hunt to bring his madness to an end. Boom! brings forth issue two of Incorruptible, the series that continues to ask just how much Mark Waid can give us in his look at heroes gone bad and villains gone (sort of) good! Also look for issue three of Nola and issue four of Muppet Peter Pan! Dynamite brings, well, a dynamite issue Project Superpowers: Chapter 2 this week with issue six, along with Battlefields: Happy Valley #2. You'll have lots to keep you busy, so get out there, get to purchasing, and get to reading!