Following its third birthday in January and a launch on the PlayStation 4, DC Universe Online is still growing, according to Senior Creative Director Jens Andersen.”We’re in our third year and our player base is still growing;” Andersen told IGN, “it’s been really wonderful. I think the PS4 was a tremendous help, but the other platforms have remained solid as well. We treated PS4 as a re-launch and addressed countless points of feedback from our existing players. This helped with retention of players on all platforms.”Andersen said that the PlayStation 4 launch provided the team with a new opportunity to make a first impression.”When we first learned that we were going to be able to port the game over to the PS4,” Andersen said, “we all started overflowing with new ideasย — not only with thoughts on how to utilize the new console features, but also with ideas on how to take advantage of the opportunity to revamp DCUO, on all platforms,” he explained.”While other MMOs may be struggling and even shutting down, and the genre getting more crowded by big name franchises, Andersen is still optimistic about the game’s future.”I love working on this game and cannot imagine myself stepping away from it anytime soon,” Andersen said. “We are all very proud of the work we do here and look forward to a bright and continued future.”DC Universe Online is free-to-play on PlayStation 3, PlayStation 4, and PC.
DC Universe Online Still Growing After Three Years
Following its third birthday in January and a launch on the PlayStation 4, DC Universe Online is […]