Doctor Strange's Benedict Cumberbatch Tries Out New Names

Benedict Cumberbatch has one of the most distinct names in show business. On last night’s [...]

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Benedict Cumberbatch has one of the most distinct names in show business. On last night's episode of Jimmy Kimmel Live, the host decided to see if the future Doctor Strange star would retain his gravitas if he went by a different name.

In the segment below, you can see Cumberbatch try out numerous names, including Bane, Batman, Groot, Inigo Montoya, and Pokémon (not a specific Pokémon, just Pokémon).

Check it out below:

Not only is Benedict Cumberbatch a very gifted actor, his name might be the greatest name ever given to a human being. What if he wasn't named Benedict Cumberbatch? Would he have the same amount of gravitas? We asked Benedict to try some other names and he graciously agreed to do just that.