Game Of Thrones' Kit Harington Initially Found Jon Snow's Return Disappointing

One of the big moments of Game of Thrones season six was the return of Jon Snow to the land of the [...]


One of the big moments of Game of Thrones season six was the return of Jon Snow to the land of the living, even though most already knew it was coming sooner or later.

Still, the moment managed to deliver in regards to audiences, but for Snow actor Kit Harington, when he first read the script for the big return, he couldn't help but be a little disappointed, something he shared in a recent interview with The Wrap. They asked if he had thought of how being dead would affect his future performances of the character. in between seasons

"I did—but at the same time, you don't get the scripts until about two weeks before you start shooting the new season. I knew I was coming back to life, but I didn't know if I'd come back as a changed person, as a villain. So I couldn't pre-plan anything, which was hard.

"And then I got the scripts, and actually, he comes back as himself, as the Jon that everyone knows. Which at first I found disappointing. But it's more subtle than that. He has an insight into what lies beyond that very few people in his world do, and that no one in our world does—he knows that there's no afterlife. Which does quietly drive who he is and what he wants to do."

While it didn't alter his performance as much as he'd envisioned, he was happy to get off that table.

"Yeah. I was on that flipping table… I thought it would be quite nice just to have a couple of episodes lying down, but it was really frustrating. Everyone's getting on with the job around you, and you just have to be still, and naked, for weeks. I drifted off a few times on that table, and woke up in the middle of Game of Thrones world, which was terrifying."

Harington will be back in action when Game of Thrones returns in summer of next year.