
Gotham: Easter Eggs and DC Comics References In “Under the Knife”

Tonight’s episode of Gotham started wrapping some season-long themes, and so maybe we had more […]

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…And there were quite a few of those moments — more, even, than we’ll get into here because most of them were just the culmination of a season of plot points or clues and not actually something that qualifies as a single moment on its own or an outright reference.

So…what did we see? What did we miss? Read on…and comment below if you spotted something we didn’t.

Jim? Is that you?

All his girlfriends get break-ins, apparently. Of course, the last time Barbara called out to see whether a sound was Jim, it was Catwoman. This time, with Dr. Thompkins it’s just a cat.

He also sends everyone away…

There’s got to be something to be said about Jim’s constant desire to send people away. When there’s a threat to people he loves, his first instinct is “Get out of Gotham for a while.” Hell, even the people he doesn’t like — Cobblepot in the pilot episode — get told to get the heck out of Dodge.

Even his partner does it with Fish. Is this some kind of weird cop thing I don’t know about?


When there’s a hitman who shows up with an Irish lilt in Gotham, is it too much to hope it’s secretly Tommy Monaghan?

Judge Harkness

Could the judge that issued the warrant served against the plastic surgeon be related to “Digger” Harkness, better known as Captain Boomerang?

The clock

It’s been a while since we got a glamour shot of the clock in Barbara’s apartment. Since that’s an image so closely associated with Jim and Barbara’s daughter, better known as Oracle or Batgirl, it’s worth at least mentioning.


“I’m Van Groot!”

I was unable to track any Van Groots in the DC Wiki, but there were a few Groots and Grootes, all with ties to Gotham, throughout the unverse’s history. Maybe The Ogre’s first victim was meant to be one of those.

…Or, maybe, somebody just really liked Guardians of the Galaxy.

Riddler’s car

Hey, look. He’s got a very green car.


Man, there are a lot of knives in this episode. Not only does Eddie use one to kill Doherty, but that’s just after the “what kind of man stabs another man” scene.

Riddler’s first kill

Just one week after Selina Kyle killed her first bad guy, so does The Riddler. In keeping with the more recent mythology around the character, he remains not quite a bad guy, considering that he was aiming to protect someone from abuse…but certainly not a traditional good guy, considering that she didn’t ask for his help and he killed her boyfriend — all fueled by an unrequited obsession.