Iron Man 3 Trailer Breaks A Global Record

Records are made to be broken, and Iron Man 3 just broke a couple. Marvel Studios debuted the new [...]

Iron Man 3 Trailer Now Onlline

Records are made to be broken, and Iron Man 3 just broke a couple. Marvel Studios debuted the new Iron Man 3 trailer exclusively through Yahoo on Tuesday, March 5, 2013. In the first 24 hours of its debut, the new Iron Man 3 trailer wound up setting a new record for the most viewed trailer on the global Yahoo! Network. The trailer launched simultaneously in 27 countries on Yahoo! Worldwide. In addition, the Iron Man trailer also broke the U.S. views record on Yahoo by over one million views. The Iron Man 3 trailer is currently playing in 3D in front of showing of Disney's "Oz the Great and Powerful." Be sure to check out our review of the 3D version of the Iron Man 3 trailer. Iron Man 3 opens in theaters in the United States on May 3, 2013.