Man Of Steel: Kelor The Service Robot Confirmed?

Back in January, speculated that Kelor might be a DC Comics character that could [...]

Man Of Steel Inside The Legenday World Of Superman

Back in January, speculated that Kelor might be a DC Comics character that could appear in Man Of Steel. In the comic books, Kelor is a Kryptonian service robot in service to the House of El. At the time, we had noticed that the name Kelor appeared on the IMDB page for Man Of Steel. According to IMDB, an actress named Rondel Reynoldson would be playing Kelor. Of course, IMDB is not always accurate, so we really couldn't count on this information alone as proof of Kelor's appearance in Man Of Steel. However, some additional evidence of Kelor's inclusion in Man Of Steel has now surfaced. The cover for the Man Of Steel Inside the Legendary World of Superman book has been posted on Amazon, and there are three images on the cover.

Kelor Service Robot

The first image appears to be a piece of concept art that shows a robot standing behind either Superman of Jor-El. We're betting it's Kelor the service robot and that the robot is standing behind Jor-El on Krypton. Man Of Steel is scheduled to be released in movie theaters in the United States on June 14, 2013.