Man Of Steel Trailer Doesn’t Show One One Hundreth Of Action In Movie

During a DC Comics panel at C2E2 on Saturday, DC/Warner Bros. VP of Marketing John Cunningham [...]

new Man of Steel trailer

During a DC Comics panel at C2E2 on Saturday, DC/Warner Bros. VP of Marketing John Cunningham shared some brief feedback on the upcoming Man Of Steel movie. After a fan praised the new Man Of Steel trailer, John Cunningham said, "If you liked that trailer, I'll tell you the comment one of our executives told me who saw the movie. He said that trailer doesn't even give you one one hundreth of the action in that movie. So imagine that the next time you see it, which will be soon when you go home I'm sure." The Man Of Steel is scheduled to open in movie theaters in the United States on June 14, 2013.