Marvels written by Kurt Busiek with art by Alex Ross was one of the greatest comics of the modern era.It’s hard to believe that the Marvels limited series was published way back in 1994, and Marvel Comics is just now publishing a sequel to the series.Marvels: Eye Of The Camera was actually announced several years back, but the first issue just hit comic book stores this week.Writing a sequel to a classic is always a tough challenge.It’s an especially tough challenge to do fourteen years later after the original has risen to revered status.Throw in the fact that superstar artist Alex Ross isn’t doing the art on the sequel and fans might expect it to be a recipe for disaster.However, Marvels: Eye Of The Camera is far from a disaster.In fact, Marvels: Eye Of The Camera is one of those rare, pleasant surprises where the sequel actually does justice to the original.Kurt Busiek has not lost his touch, and he once again does an incredible job letting readers see the Marvel Universe through the eye of Philip Aaron Sheldon.There have been countless stories written from the perspective of the superheroes who populate the Marvel Universe.Very rarely do we get to see the Marvel Universe from the perspective of a real world, ordinary man.No one does a better job of telling a real world story with dashes of the supernatural and fantastical thrown in than Kurt Busiek.Of course, it probably should come as no surprise to fans that Kurt Busiek can write a great story.He has consistently proven himself as an excellent writer time and time again.The bigger question is “Could any artist ever hope to come close to Alex Ross’ breathtaking artwork on the original?”The good news is that artist Jay Anacleto delivers and proves to be an excellent choice to compliment Kurt Busiek’s story-telling style.While most of the media buzz about comic books nowadays tends to revolve around the latest superhero movie or some longtime character getting killed off, comic books are truly at their best when they deliver a well-written story with great art.The first issue of Marvels: Eye Of The Camera is comic books at their best.
Marvels: Eye Of The Camera Delivers
Marvels written by Kurt Busiek with art by Alex Ross was one of the greatest comics of the modern […]