Six Amazing Spider-Man 2 Super Bowl Teasers: Countdown Ends At Noon

Sony Pictures has released what is likely the final teaser image for the Amazing Spider-Man 2 [...]

Amazing Spider-Man 2 Super Bowl Helmets

Sony Pictures has released what is likely the final teaser image for the Amazing Spider-Man 2 Super Bowl trailer. In total, Sony has released six different football-themed images for Amazing Spider-Man 2, which we've collected together into this one post. While Sony has been teasing that an Amazing Spider-Man 2 trailer will be aired during the Super Bowl, there is a chance the trailer might be released early or there may be something else brewing. The viral website for Amazing Spider-Man 2 has a countdown clock, which is set to expire at noon eastern time on Sunday, February 2, 2014. The countdown clock expires six and a half hours before Super Bowl XLVIII kick-off, so it's a little bit of a mystery as to what will be revealed. The most likely scenario seems to be an early online release of the full Super Bowl trailer. However, it could wind up being some other type of surprise. The Amazing Spider-Man 2 is set to be released in movie theaters on May 2, 2014.

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