The planned Amazon TV series might seem to be in limbo right now, with no updates in months and none expected until Comic-Con, but that doesn’t mean that the idea of a young Diana Prince is going to go to waste.Rather, the Amazon Princess will join Superman in Smallville Season Eleven by former Smallville TV writer Bryan Q. Miller in August, marking the final piece of DC Comics’s “trinity” to be a part of the story after Batman and Nightwing made an appearance earlier this year.”The series, in hindsight, can be looked at in chapters, or phases. High school (Seasons 1-4) – like any teenager, Clark’s day to day problems consume his life, regardless of what his responsibilities may or may not be. He’s struggling to be who HE feels he needs to be, regardless of what his parents, friends, etc. tell him. Then College/post-High School (Seasons 5-7) – Old enough to vote. Old enough to go to war. Not yet old enough to drink. The time when you begin to really sow the seeds for what will eventually become your adult personality. Then the “adult” era (Seasons 8-10) – Pro-active Clark. He starts taking chances. Takes a few wrong turns on the road to hero (by way of vigilante). But accepts his mistakes. He learns from them. He’s determined at this point to be a better man. And, all the while, his world becomes larger. Magic. Sci-fi concepts. The Multiverse,” explained Miller in an interview with MTV Geek. “Season 11 takes that ball and runs with it. He’s Superman. He’s Clark Kent. He’s a reporter. He’s become the man both that he wants to be, and that he was always destined to become. Now he needs to use those talents, those gifts, to make the world a better place. Not because anyone’s telling him to, but because he KNOWS it’s the right thing to do. And as he does that, his world continues to get bigger, and bigger, and bigger. Populated with more heroes. More villains. And now, more Wonder. All of those elements have been present, all along – he just hasn’t been able to fly high enough to see the full landscape until Season 11. So the intent isn’t to necessarily “make” it line up, but to continue what we’ve been doing. The last half of the series already placed it within the confines of an aggregate, somewhat independent DCU continuity. I’m just watering the plant.”
Smallville Welcomes Wonder Woman in August
The planned Amazon TV series might seem to be in limbo right now, with no updates in months and […]