
Spider-Woman #4 Review – Angry Skrulls And Newborn Babies Don’t Mix

That’s it for me, but you can catch my review for Spider-Woman Issue #5 when that releases on […]

Writer: Dennis Hopeless – Artist: Javier Rodriquez

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Inker: Alvaro Lopez – Colorist: Rachelle Rosenberg

Previously On Spider-Woman:

During a visit to the Maternity Ward (one that happens to be in a black hole and run by Alpha Flight), the ward is invaded by Skrull rebels who are attempting to recover a young Skrull prince. Jessica isn’t going to let that happen, unless her baby has something to say.

Someone get Jessica Drew a trophy or something, because she damn well deserves it. Issue #49 is the conclusion to the current arc, and it definitely ends up being a showcase for just how impressive a hero Spider-Woman is. Not can be, but is.

She and the young prince, who turns out to be immensely capable himself, seek to fend off the remaining Skrull army whilst keeping everyone in the building safe. For those who need some action, there is plenty of it here, but doused with the wit and sarcasm that Hopeless has carried throughout the entire run, and Rodriquez’s art continues to be a highlight. Each page’s layout is so unique, like on page 5 and 6 for instance. Panels that contain that much movement and detail are easy to over clutter, but Rodriquez, Lopez, and Rosenberg keep your eye moving from scene to scene without any measure of confusion. Plus, it doesn’t hurt that the art team isn’t afraid to go with vivid color choices, using bright greens, oranges, and pinks to break things up.

Hopeless is also not afraid to let Jessica Drew be a real woman, and treats scenes like the one on page 21 as they should be treated, and that’s perfectly normal. Jessica is a mother now, and throughout this whole process he has never treated that aspect of her character as an afterthought, and that continues here.

That’s it for me, but you can catch my review for Spider-Woman Issue #5 when that releases on March 16th.