Just imagine going to Super Bowl XLVIII and winding up sitting between these two guys. McFarlane Toys and Spawn creator Todd McFarlane was doing a signing of the Joe Namath NFL Legends figure and the Eli Manning NFL Super Bowl figure at Toys R’ Us yesterday, when Marvel Comics legend Stan Lee crashed the line.McFarlane tweeted the image above of himself and Stan Lee showing off their Super Bowl tickets, along with the text, “SIGNING: Some line cutter named Stan Lee just came by for an autograph. Never heard of him. TODD.”Comicbook.com spoke to Todd McFarlane the other week, and he revealed that he’s rooting for the Denver Broncos. However, his daughter, who is attending the game with him, is pulling for the Seattle Seahawks.McFarlane also tweeted that he be tweeting the whole Super Bowl process, including travel, security, and game photos.
Stan Lee & Todd McFarlane Show Off Their Super Bowl Tickets
Just imagine going to Super Bowl XLVIII and winding up sitting between these two guys. McFarlane […]