Star Trek Into Darkness: Harry Mudd Rumors

When the second issue of the Star Trek Into Darkness prequel comic book was released, it created a [...]

Star Trek Into Darknes Mudd and Kirk

When the second issue of the Star Trek Into Darkness prequel comic book was released, it created a minor uproar over the fact that a female character named Mudd was introduced. No one knew for sure whether this new Mudd was supposed to be a new female version of Harry Mudd or if she was Harry Mudd's wife of daughter. With the third issue of the Star Trek Countdown to Darkness comic book being released today, Star Trek fans now have an answer. The female Mudd is actually Harry Mudd's daughter.  In one scene in the comic, Robert April makes reference to Mudd's disreputable father.Harry Mudd's daughter also seems to be quite taken with Captain Kirk, telling him that's she's single when they first meet and later lamenting "Kirk's never going to fall in love with me after this, is he?" So if Mudd's daughter is a big part of the prequel comic book, will Harry Mudd have a role in the movie? Wouldn't it be something if Benedict Cumberbatch's character turned out to actually be Harry Mudd? While that theory might seem farfetched, back in 2010 there were reports suggesting that Harry Mudd could be the villain in the Star Trek sequel. In regards to the Star Trek 2 villain, quoted a source as saying, "It's definitely a character that will make fans of TOS excited. Think along the lines of Harry Mudd or Trelane or Gary Mitchell or the Talosians or the Horta. Actually it's one of those that I named." Of course, there's one major problem with the theory Benedict Cumberbatch might be playing Harry Mudd. Given the Star Trek Countdown To Darkness comic introduces us to Harry's full grown daughter, Cumberbatch looks too young to be playing a Harry Mudd who has an adult child. However, here is another rather intriguing theory. The official stance from Paramount is that Benedict Cumberbatch is playing John Harrison. Well, since the prequel comic book introduces us to Harry's daughter, could the movie feature Harry's son? Could Harrison be code for Harry's son?

Harry Mudd's daughter