Transformers Universe Debut Trailer

After being in a state of development silence during 2013, the debut trailer for Transformers [...]

Transformers Universe

After being in a state of development silence during 2013, the debut trailer for Transformers Universe has been released online. Transformers Universe is being developed by Jagex, creators of RuneScape. CEO & CTO Mark Gerhard said in a post on the game's website that it is a "massively online, tactical action game" where players will be cast in the role of new squad commander leading his troops into battle.

"Autobots versus Decepticons, you'll team up to play with and against other Commanders around the world in tactical and strategic online battles, competing for supremacy in the global faction war. Legendary Transformers characters will make special appearances – but more on that another time!"

The concept sounds like a mix of a MOBA and a squad based strategy game, but the trailer doesn't feature any gameplay so how exactly that works is still a bit of a mystery. Gerhard said that Transformers Universe would be going into beta soon and more details on the games core mechanics would follow. The browser based game is aiming to launch in Summer 2014.
