AMC Warns DirecTV Customers They Could Lose The Walking Dead

DirecTV subscribers have something to fear more than the undead.As AMC announced after last [...]

DirecTV subscribers have something to fear more than the undead.

As AMC announced after last night's episode of The Walking Dead, DirecTV is threatening to drop the network from its offerings. The network and the television provider are currently in a negotiations scuffle as their 2015 contract's expiration nears closer.

In last night's announcement, AMC told viewers to visit to petition DirecTV's split with the network. Subscribers can either email the television provider or call through the website, as well as locating other venues for AMC Networks.

DirecTV, however, contests AMC's alarm. On their own website, DirectTvPromise, DirecTV assured subscribers that they will still have access to The Walking Dead and all other AMC shows for the rest of their seasons. In fact, DirecTV asserted that AMC is "contractually obligated" to provide their shows for several more months, and they intend to renew their AMC contract "at a price that's fair" to DirecTV customers.

That last caveat certainly indicates a financial snafu between the two sides. This was furthered by the website's brief video, where DirecTV CEO Mike White suggested that AMC wants more money for channels that subscribers currently have. So, it seems that AMC and DirecTV are gridlocked on how much money AMC should receive in their new contract. DirecTV's website also pointed subscribers to a hub where they can see the status of The Walking Dead's availability. Currently, the entire first half of season five, which ends on November 30th, will be available.

Stay tuned to for more DirecTV updates on The Walking Dead.