Go Go Power Rangers will have plenty to offer when Shattered Grid hits, but before that can happen it seems the Go Go Rangers will have their own huge threat to deal with.
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The covers and synopsis for Saban’s Go Go Power Rangers #8 have been released, and reveal an epic battle taking place between the Megazord and some sort of doppelganger. Could it be a Putty Megazord or some sort of all new creation? That remains to be seen, but it does seem the Rangers will have their hands full.
The official synopsis reads “With Rita’s plan throwing chaos into the personal lives of the Power Rangers, Billy faces a difficult choice,” (via Morphin Legacy).
You can find the issue’s covers in the gallery.
[Start Gallery Call-to-Action Key=7088]
As for Go Go Power Rangers, the last time fans saw the Rangers they had managed to defeat Rita’s latest creation Flog, but it was their most difficult fight yet, and it wasn’t without some injuries. That included Kimberly’s boyfriend Matt, who was injured in the fallout. He resides in the hospital towards the end of the book, where he’s been resting without much signs of movement.
Luckily for Kim that changes, as Matt wakes up suddenly. Unfortunately, it is revealed on the last page that the person who just woke up is not Matt. The scene switches to Rita’s Moon Palace, where you see Rita directing a putty in disguise. As for the real Matt, he is hanging on the wall amidst a sea of Putties, and it isn’t known if he ever managed to wake up.
That issue also sees Zordon explaining to Zack why he wasn’t picked for the team leader role. Well, actually, Zordon more explains why Jason was picked as opposed to why Zack wasn’t. He reveals to Zack that Jason was a former bully, and would die before letting someone go down that road. That striving for being better is what makes him perfectly suited to lead this team, but Zordon also tells Zack that he is just as crucial to the team’s survival.
Saban’s Go Go Power Rangers #8 is in comic stores March 2018.