Another chapter of Beyond the Grid has hit in this week’s Mighty Morphin Power Rangers #34, and we are counting down our top 10 favorite moments from the issue!
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Obviously, spoilers are ahead for Mighty Morphin Power Rangers #34, so if you haven’t read the issue yet you’ve been warned.
To get you up to speed, last issue the Rangers and the Promethea were confronted by The Praetor, who managed to find the Ranger’s HQ and Ellarien in the process and has offered them a deal. If they give him Ellarien and the Solarix he will let them go without issue, but if they don’t he will issue an order for his army of fighters to attack.
The Rangers don’t take kindly to threats, and so no one is about to give up Ellarien, but she evened the odds when she gave the Rangers a power surge from the Solarix, allowing them to Morph and call upon their powers once more! Now the Rangers and the Promethea stand a chance, but as we see in the issue, that doesn’t mean the fight is going to be easy, though the Rangers still have a few more tricks up their sleeve as well.
Mighty Morphin Power Rangers #34 is written by Marguerite Bennett and illustrated by Simone Di Meo, inked by Alessandro Cappuccio and Francesco Mortarino, colored by Walter Baiamonte with assistance by Francesco Segala, and lettered by Ed Dukeshire. The followup story is written by Ryan Ferrier, illustrated by Bachan, colored by Jeremy Lawson, and lettered by Jim Campbell.
You can check out the official description below.
“As dark forces coalesce around this new team of Power Rangers, they’re confronted by the sinister enemy who’s been secretly plotting their downfallโฆand that of the entire universe.”
Alright, with all that out of the way hit the next slide to see our top 10 favorite moments of the issue! You can also find out top 10 moments from this month’s Go Go Power Rangers right here!
Oh Snap Oh Dang

Honestly, we just loved thisย gorgeous panel of the Rangers from Di Meo, and that was enough to get it featured on the list. The colors behind them seem to crackle with energy, and we love how Cam and Androsย are sort of in mid-morph. Also, Magnaย Defender looks like a boss here…just sayin.
Thing is though Cam’s line just puts it over the top, reacting in the most Cam way possible. The “Oh snap. Oh dang. Oh frick. Oh dude. Oh peas and rice” line is priceless, and it goes to show you can be endearing and badassย all at the same time.
Tanya Confronts

We’ve wanted a bit more from Tanya in Beyond the Grid, so it was nice to see her step up here and confront the Prateor. Not only did she confront him but she also managed to show some compassion at the same time, bringing one of Tanya’s best traits to into the limelight.
No Ranger Should Be Alone

Ranger Slayer proves once again just how much of a naturalย leader she is. She eases Ellarien’sย guilt and fears while also highlighting why it is so important for Rangers to be paired up with otherย Rangers early in the process. You’re supposed to discover your abilities together while also having others to lean on when you inevitablyย fall down, and no one breaks that down quite like Ranger Slayer.
Zord Magic

One of the things Solar Ranger has not yet discovered is the use of Zords, though she does utilizeย little critters in battle. Ranger Slayer uses the recent superchargeย Ellarien gave them and helps her draw their Zordsย from the Solarix, and you’ve never seen Zordsย quite like this.
Artist Simone Di Meo really delivered a wonderfully creative interpretationย of the Zords here, and hopefully, it’s not the last time they make an appearance in the series.
Worst Nightmares

The Praetor has a sizable army at his command, but he also hits the Rangers where they are most susceptible, and that’s their worst fears.
The Praetor tries to balance the scales by telling them about what they fear most and targeting their secrets. For Heckylย example he calls out his “guilty conscience” and asks “does Kim really know why you’re in exile?” He tells Kim she’s “a killer who will kill again” and also calls her a “traitorย who will betray again”, while also burying Cam by saying “who would cry for you if you were gone?”
Andros tells him to shut up after he points out that he’s almost happy to be at war since he is reunited with his sister, and we’re pretty sure that got under his skin.
Solar Ranger To The Rescue

Mike doesn’t mind sacrificing his well being to save the rest of the team, but he’s not the only one who will put himself on the line for others.
Solar Ranger isn’t about to let a Ranger fall in this battle, especially after just getting to know these guys, and puts on a dazzling display in the process. Honestly, this page is just gorgeous, and that’s pretty much why we included it. Don’t count out the Solar Ranger. #SolarixOwns
Still Haven’t Laughed

The Praetor’s words have an effect on Heckyl, but Ranger Slayer quickly quashesย those fears with some words of experience from someone who has fought their past just likeย him. Cam comes in for the win though when he tells Heckylย “you can’t die yet. You still haven’t laughedย at one of my jokes”.
Ironically he finally did, and also managed to get his buddy off of the mat at the same time. Nice going Cam!
Shhhh You!

Okay, all the points go to Ranger Slayer for the best silencing of a villain in recent memory.
As she’s being chased by numerous fighters the Praetor tries to guilt her by bringing up how she lost her world to Drakkon, but she’s having none of it, tellingย the villain “shhhh, you.”
That is like a Morphin slap to the face, and we love it.
Grace Pwns

Yep, totally used Pwn, and you know why? Because she comes in like a wrecking ball with her Megazord and literally sends The Praetor’s forces off licking their wounds with a vow to never stop fighting.
It doesn’t hurt that this two-page splash is especiallyย gorgeous, with her blade cutting through Praetor’s army and the page’s panels with ease.
Second Chances

Power Rangers are known for their determination and fighting for what is right to be sure, but they are also known for their compassion and the art of giving second chances.
That comes into play in the final pages, where Ranger Slayer brings Ellarienย back to the ship, a ship she initially boarded and ransacked of energy in the opening issue. In that issue, she faced off against Karone, who initially seems a bit apprehensiveย about welcoming her aboard.
Thing is, she quicklyย changes course, recognizing that she herself benefited from a second chance, and shakes Ellarien’s hand to welcome her to the Promethea.
So those were our favorite moments from the issue, but let us know your favorites in the comments!