Power Rangers: RJ Cyler Addresses Movie Sequel Plans

The Blue Ranger RJ Cyler was one of the best parts of the Power Rangers movie, and fans had to ask [...]

The Blue Ranger RJ Cyler was one of the best parts of the Power Rangers movie, and fans had to ask him about any sequel plans while he was at Power Morphicon.

RJ Cyler made an unexpected appearance at the True Blue Panel at Power Morphicon, and while he was there one fan asked if Hasbro had told him anything about a Power Rangers sequel. RJ had some fun here and told the fan to get closer to the mic so he could hear, which in itself was hilarious.

He then whispered into the microphone "They haven't told me anything, but if they do I will let you know", which got a big laugh from the audience.

This all comes from the fact that Hasbro has identified movies as a part of their purchasing decision of Power Rangers, and has since said that a follow-up movie is in development. Whether that means a sequel or a reboot is up for debate, but many are hoping a sequel wins out in the end.

The 2017 Power Rangers reboot was produced on a $100 million dollar budget and brought in over $85 million domestically at the box office. It added another $56 million overseas for a worldwide total of $142 million. It isn't known what the advertising budget was for the film, but that return isn't likely to be what Lionsgate or Saban was hoping for.

Power Rangers starred Dacre Montgomery (Jason/Red Ranger), Becky G (Trini/Yellow), RJ Cyler (Billy/Blue), Ludi Lin (Zack/Black Ranger), and Naomi Scott (Kimberly/Pink Ranger), as well as Bryan Cranston (Zordon), Elizabeth Banks (Rita Repulsa) and Bill Hader (Alpha 5). Whether they would return or not is up in the air at the moment, but even if they don't they serve as a great example of what Hasbro should look for.

You can find the official description for the Power Rangers movie below.

"Saban's Power Rangers follows five ordinary high school kids who must become something extraordinary when they learn that their small town of Angel Grove - and the world - is on the verge of being obliterated by an alien threats. Chosen by destiny, our heroes quickly discover that they are the only ones who can save the planet. But to do so they will have to overcome their real-life issues and band together as the Power Rangers before it is too late."

So, do you want a Power Rangers sequel or a reboot? Let us know in the comments!