Jason David Frank Responds To CM Punk at New York Comic-Con

CM Punk and Jason David Frank may not be fighting in the octagon but the war of words doesn't seem [...]

CM Punk and Jason David Frank may not be fighting in the octagon but the war of words doesn't seem to be stopping between them.

This all started the other day when Jason David Frank was asked about seeing CM Punk at New York Comic-Con. Frank was totally down for saying hi, despite being shut down in a previous green room (though he still took the selfie).

"He could've fought me. His record would still be the same though, just letting you know, just letting you know," Frank told The Blast. "People want to see it. For me, it's an easy fight. I can sign, I don't even need to train, and I'd still win. I hate to say that and have to be so arrogant, but people know."

CM Punk took part in the True Indie: Life and Death In Filmmaking panel with horror director Don Coscarelli, and during the Q&A portion he was asked about fighting Frank. He laughed and said, "I will not consider fighting any YouTube celebrities."

Frank spoke to ComicBook.com about that comment and said "First of all, I feel honored I'm a YouTube celebrity. I've been working so hard on my YouTube channel only in the past year or so and I have a hundred thousand subscribers. I did get a plaque. I didn't know that I was considered a YouTube celebrity. I thought YouTube celebrities were like millions and millions, so I would tell you right now let's live up to my name and go subscribe on JDFFFN. I spent most of my life at a Dojo training. 40 years of my life, just got promoted to 8th degree Black Belt. I think it's just nonsense, you know my fans know and he knows and look, I read that he's 0 and 2 and this exhibition match would be fun. I just want to give my fans something for fun you know what I mean? I'll respond and say god subscribe!

CM Punk doesn't seem to be open to this fight, but then again people also said a Conor McGregor Floyd Mayweather fight wouldn't even happen either and look at how that turned out right? In this world, anything can happen, but for now, we'll just have to enjoy the back and forth between the two.

Frank previously took to Facebook to share his thoughts on the potential fight earlier this year.

"I had to post this," Frank posted to Facebook, along with a link to his latest video. "I have millions of fans around the world constantly asking me about when CM Punk and I will fight. This is no disrespect towards CM Punk, but this is the fight the world wants to see, at least my fans. After all, hype makes fights and there's been hype about this for over 2 years. It would be great to merge the wrestling fans and my fans and make this fight happen. I know there are talks of Mayweather and others that will fight CM Punk, but I am here and the challenge is still out there."

Do you want to see this fight happen? Let us know in the comments!