Power Rangers Shattered Grid has finally come to a close, and we’ve got more than a few moments that stood out from the big finale.
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Obviously, there are spoilers abound from here on out, so you’ve been warned.
Shattered Grid #1 brings the Drakkon saga to close, and it doesn’t turn out or go as you might expect. The issue features a bit of everything, with big action sequences balanced with touching more personal moments, and through it all fans finally get to see just what Drakkon started this fight for in the first place, which Director of Power Rangers Development and Production for Hasbro Melissa Flores calls a little twisted.
“There’s some twistedness to the reality, in that… Kyle in the panel at Power Morphicon, someone asked Kyle how to so summarize this event and he said… at the end of this event he said Drakkon wins,” Flores said. “And he does win, and you see what winning gets him, and it’s none of what you’d expect him to get, and it’s nothing you expect him to want. Ultimately it’s his demise. It brings about his demise. It’s just so twisted as you’re watching this world and you’re reading these pages. You’re seeing the other rangers in these roles that he’s somehow assigned to them and still, he’s not happy. Still, he’s alone and still, they’re a team. It just speaks to the enduring nature of what it really means to be a Power Ranger, and why he ultimately isn’t the best of them. He’s the worst of them.”
There’s plenty to process from the story’s ending, and while it does answer many questions it leaves a few open to be explored later. Power Rangers fans will have to wait a bit to get those answered, but in the meantime, you can hit the next slide to check out our top 10 favorite moments from the issue!
Brand New Megazord

The Rangers are way outnumbered thanks to Drakkon’s sentries, but they even the odds with a brand new Megazord.
Some of the Rangers are still able to call upon their Zords, and thanks to Scotts having the Time Force Archives in her Transportal System, she is able to see which Zords can fit together from the ones that are left.
“Yes! Got it! Kendall! RJ! Kat!, Call your Zords! HyperForce Rangers โ prep your Megazord! Other Trini โ we’re going to need the Black Dragon to make this thing grow,” Scotts says.
With that call to action, the powers of HyperForce, Dino Charge, Jungle Fury, and Zeo are called upon to form a brand new Megazord. It’s quite impressive, but no one really knows what to call it. If they all survive, Zack gets to name it, but for the moment it gets the name of the “Whatever-we’re-calling-it-Megazord” from Jason.
Seeing the HyperForceย Zordsย get the spotlight is pretty amazing for fans of the show, and throwing a few fan favorite Rangers into the mix only makes it better.
A Sacrifice

While the Megazord helps even the odds, the Rangers still have a huge fight ahead of them, and unfortunately,ย they don’t get through it without some losses.
The Rangers get the help of the Q-Rex Zordย to take the tower down, and Jason heads off to take his shot. Unfortunately,ย Serpenteraย gets loose from the new Megazord’s grip and comes charging his way. Lauren tells Jason to pull back, but this might be their only shot, so Jason stays put, saying “Lauren…what you were trying to say before…I want you to know…I feel the same way.”
With that, he destroys the tower, but right after Serpenteraย bites through the Q-Rex Zord, and seems to take Jason with it.
A Drakkon Family

Once we move into Drakkon’sย rewritten world we are introduced to his parents, and as weird as it sounds they happen to be Zordon and Rita Repulsa.
Drakkon sits at a table over dinner as Rita Repulsaย serves him pie, though to Drakkonย she’s just mom. Zordonย sits across the table from him reading the paper, a paper that has Drakkonย The Glory Road in the headline.
ComicBook.com recently spoke to Power Rangers writer Kyle Higgins, where he gave some insight into why Drakkon would pick Zordonย as his father.
“I think it’s complicated,” Higgins said. “I think that Drakkon yearns for a life and a support system that he never really had. And I think that includes a mother and a father. I mean this whole new reality that he creates is kind of his own perfect world, you know? And so that’s really where it stems from.”
You’re The Failure

While Drakkon finally has his idealized world, it is slowly crumbling around him, and the disharmony comes mostly from the Tommy he killed speaking to him.
Our Tommy is prodding him at every turn, and Drakkonย is starting to show his old scars with every exchange. At one point, Tommy hits the nail on the head, saying “The weakness…that won’t let you be honest with yourself. That in all of existence…you were the flawed one.”
If a micย was around he would have dropped it, and that’s the catalyst for his downfall.
A Great Return

Drakkon’s world is not nearly as strong as he made it out to be, and it this moment that hope finally reveals itself.
That’s in the form of our universe’s Tommy Oliver, who Drakkon killed at the start of Shattered Grid. Mysterious forces tell Tommy “the barriers are weak” and “now is our best chance”. With one last “focus”, Tommy punches through the barrier, shattering the wall that held him out and starts his journey towards finding the other Rangers and putting this nightmare to an end.
What Really Happened To Tommy

We finally learn what happened to Tommy at the beginning of Shattered Grid, and it wasn’t quite as it seemed.
As he reveals to Kimberly, Rangerย Slayer hitting him with the Chaos Shard in Go Go Power Rangers managed to save his life, but not in way you might expect. When Drakkon killed him the Shard activated, and that’s why he says “So that’s…what she…meant…” as he’s dying.
He is then pulled outside of space and time, like Zordon was when he was lost, able to watch what’s happening but unable to do anything. The Emissaries would then meet him after their defeat at the hands of Drakkon, and all three would wait for the right moment to blast through the barrier.
Why Won’t You Just Die!

While the other Rangers have a part to play, the big final fight really comes down to Tommy vs Drakkon, with both inside the Heart of the Master that Drakkonย stole.
Drakkonย wastes no time going after Tommy, and while he has the upper handย he appears desperate, screaming at Tommy “you’re weak! Vulnerable! A disgrace! Why won’t you just die!”
Artist Danieleย Di Nicuoloย really nails the sense of desperation and anger in Drakkon’sย expression, leading to a fantastic sequenceย that really illustrates the key differences between the two versions of the same character.
The Heart Of A Ranger

Shattered Grid has nicely illustrated what it really means to be a Power Ranger, but that is no more apparentย than in Jason’s reply to the rest of the team.
The team is faced with a hard decision. Either they can rewrite the world with the power of the Master Heart or they can return the world to the way it was before. The Rangers start to debate this, as Lauren adds “Everything we’ve been through…that we’ve fought for…that we’ve sacrifice…”, but Jason has an amazing response.
“That’s not why we’re Power Rangers, is it? I mean, we were all chosen…for a reason, right? Because we had what it took to put others above ourselves,” Jason said. “To make the hard decisions and take the necessary action, for the good of all. Even if we don’t remember what we’ve done…that doesn’t mean it won’t have meaning. It doesn’t mean…it didn’t matter. It absolutely mattered. We have to put things back. For the good of everyone.”
Commence micย drop now.
A First Kiss

One of the best moments of the book comes in the final pages, as Kimberly and Tommy finally get that first kiss.
Nicuoloย knocks this moment out of the park, as the two finally get to share the moment that was broken up by Drakkon, taking Tommy’s life in the process.ย Before they save the world once more the two Rangers take a moment for themselves, and they’ve more than earned it. For BOOM! Studios Senior Editor Dafnaย Pleban that moment was one of the issue’s biggest highlights.
“Tommy and Kim kissing,” Pleban said. “It’s just beautiful, it’s the way Daniele like, he understands body language of each of the characters, and it’s such a soft sweet moment and not the sort of bombast you might see in a Michael Bay movie. And it all feels really earned, especially after that live reading of Shattered Grid and seeing their first date again. That came out in March. I had forgotten sort of what their lives were like before the state of the universe was at stake. For them to have that moment was really cool.”
Saving The World

Finally, it comes time to save the world, and after a few more loving glances and exchanges, the Rangers all put their hands on the Heart to set the world right, or at least, as right as it can be.
Kimberly says “Well…I guess on the bright side, we’re not saving the world this time.” When Zack asks “we’re not?” Kimberly replies “No. We’re saving all of them.”
The Rangers wear peaceful expressions on their faces as the scene fades to white, leaving the fate of the Rangers and the universe as unknown.
Alright, those were our favorite moments, so let us know what yours was in the comments!