'Star Trek: Discovery' Season 2 Featurette Spotlights Captain Pike

In a new Star Trek: Discovery Season Two featurette, Anson Mount introduces Captain Christopher [...]

In a new Star Trek: Discovery Season Two featurette, Anson Mount introduces Captain Christopher Pike.

Mount begins by talking about joining the Star Trek franchise and Pike's history.

"Being on Star Trek, it's not like getting another job. Sitting in the chair, the captain's chair, it got a little emotional," Mount says. "The original pilot for Star Trek was shot with Jeffrey Hunter playing Captain Pike, who was the captain of the Enterprise before Kirk. There's a lot to fill in about that character's storyline, so it's an honor to play the role and help to do that."

He then goes on to describe Pike's style of leadership.

"Captain Pike is the kind of captain who is aware that his most precious resource is his crew," Mount says. "When we come into Season Two, the crew has had a tough time with a captain that they realized they couldn't trust and I think Pike enters knowing that's the wall he's up against and has to disarm them very quickly.

"He is completely unafraid to admit he has no idea what the right decision is. He utilizes his crew as much as commands them. I think that's a really good quality in a leader."

Discovery star Sonequa Martin-Green, who plays Cmdr. Michael Burnham has spoken about what Pike's arrival means for Discovery's crew.

"Well, I think that Burnham is ready to have a more Starfleet-like experience with a captain," laughs Martin-Green. "We all have a little PTSD from Lorca and what he did, and all his illicit behavior, so it's good to return to normalcy. It's good to return to principle, and it's good to return to what Starfleet really is, where your captain is someone you really do look to, that leads you and guides you. And he has such a kindness, such a genuine … such a genuine quality to him. And as [Mount] said in the panel, he's willing to admit when he's wrong, and he understands the true strength of a mastermind. And so it's moving us, and healing us at the same time."

The first season of Star Trek: Discovery is available to stream in its entirety on CBS All Access in the U.S., through CraveTV in Canada and through Netflix in other international markets. The first season is also now available on Blu-ray and DVD and via digital storefronts

Star Trek: Discovery Season Two premieres January 17th on CBS All Access.