In October, WizKids is once again beaming into the Star Trek universe for a new HeroClix set. Star Trek HeroClix Away Team: The Next Generation – To Boldly Go is the second HeroClix set to feature characters from Star Trek: The Next Generation, and offers new options for Starfleet and other Star Trek-themed HeroClix teams.
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The Star Trek HeroClix Away Team: The Next Generation โ To Boldly Goโฆ Gravity Feed set features 32 new figures, including Enterprise crew members Captain Jean-Luc Picard, Riker, Data, Geordi, Worf, and Deanna Troi as well as adversarial aliens including the Romulans, Cardassians, Ferengi, and Armus.
WizKids sent a countertop display box of the set to preview. Keep reading to see what we pulled.
Starfleet Commons

For commons representing Starfleet characters, we pulled:
- 001 Commander William T. Riker
- 007 Starfleetย Admiral
- 008 Lt. Geordiย La Forge
Rikerย and Geordiย give some more options in addition to the ones from the previous Resistance is Futile set. The Starfleetย Admiral adds another generic option to fill out a Starfleetย team.
Alien Commons

Our other commons represent alien factions including the Romulanย Star Empire, the Cardassianย Union, the Ferengi Alliance, and the Klingonย Empire. They are:
- 002 Romulanย Officer
- 003 Cardassianย Soldier
- 004 Ferengiย Trader
- 005 Romulanย Guard
- 006 Klingonย Warrior
These generics should go a long way towards helping fill out non-Starfleet theme teams.ย
Starfleet Uncommons

On to the uncommons! Representing Starfleet, we pulled:
- 009 Lt. Commander Data
- 015 Dr. Beverly Crusher
- 016 Miles O’Brien
The Data does have the same “Shifting Focus” trait at the Data figures from the Resistance is Futile set, making him another option to add to your sideline.
Alien Uncommons

As for the other factions, the uncommons we pulled are:
- 011 Cardassianย Glinn
- 013 Alidarย Jarok
- 014a Kurn
Alidarย Jarok and Kurnย are noteworthy for being a Romulan and a Klingon, respectively, that have the Starfleet keywords. Alidarย even has the United Federation of Planets team ability.

Now let’s look at the rares, where we pulled something special. First, the full list of raresย we pulled includes:
- 017 Captain Jean-Lucย Picard, U.S.S. Enterprise
- 019 Gulย Lemec
- 023 Dr. Katherine Pulaski
- 024 Lt. Worf
That Lt. Worfย is another Shifting Focus figure, but the Picardย is even more exciting. Let’s take a closer look.
Captain Jean-Luc Picard, U.S.S. Enterprise

This Captain Picard is a Title Character! HeroClix fans know that this means he gets a special set of Plot abilities that can use to accrue and spend plot point.ย

Picard’sย Plot abilities include the same Transporterย ability seen on a previousย Star Trek title characters, which allows players to beam in characters from their sideline onto the battlefield. He also has “On My Command,” which adds 1 plot point and grants “FREE: Choose one: MOVE -or- CLOSE -or- RANG: Action of the chosen type given to friendly characters that are adjacent or have the Starfleetย keyword don’t count against your action total this turn.

Picardย costs 85 points and has the United Federation of Planets team ability, and the Starfleetย and Politician keywords. He also had Indomitable and his powers include Running Shot, Phasing/Teleport, Sidestep, Charge, Precision Strike, Steal Energy, Super Senses, Energy Shield/Deflection, Regeneration, Leadership, Perplex, and Outwit.
Super Rare

We pulled a single super rare in our box. That super rare is:
- 026 Gul Madred, Chief Interrogator
Madredย will be familiar to Star Trek: The Next Generation fans for his role in the episode “Chain of Command. He was the interrogator from the famous “There are four lights” scenes, represented by the lights on the figure’s sculpt.
Gul Madred, Chief Interrogator

Gul Muldred is also a Title Character! He has the Cardassian and Soldier keywords, the Cardassianย Union team ability, and costs 95 points to play.

Madred’sย plot abilities include the Transporter ability and another called “No…There Are Five Lights!” The ability grants “FREE: Untilย your next turn, when an opposing character’s (finalized) attack roll includes a 4, after resolutions, deal that character 1 penetrating damage.” A nice thematic representation of that iconic scene with Madred and Picard.

Madred’sย other powers include Sidestep, Plasticity, Precision Strike, Poison, Blades/Claws/Fangs, Invincible, Combat Reflexes, Perplex, and Outwit.

We also pulled one chase figure in our box, and Star Trek: The Next Generation fans may not recognize it. It is:
- 030 Mirror Jean-Luc Picard
The Star Trek: The Next Generation crew never visited the Mirror Universe on television. This figure is based on the IDWย Publishing comic book series Mirrorย Broken, which followed the Mirror Universe versions of those characters as they attempted to steal the ISSย Enterprise. Let’s take a closer look at the figure.ย
MIrror Jean-Luc Picard

Mirror Jean-Luc Picardย costs either 100 or 75 points to play. He has the Mirror Univers and Ruler keywords and the Mirror Universe team ability.
This Picardย has the same suite of three traits — Opportunistic Maneuver, Advancing Through the Ranks, and Mirror, Mirror — that the Mirror Universe chases from the Resistance is Futile set had. His version of Advancing Through the Ranks grants ” Opposing characters within 6 squares can’t use Leadership, Mastermind, or Perplex.”

He also has a special damageย power called To Enslave New Life and New Civilizations. The power grants “Leadership. When Mirror Jean-Lucย Picardย uses it, if there is no d6 on this card, you may place the d6 result on this card. // When a character within range rolls an attack roll or rolls for Blades/Claws/Fangs or Leadership, you mayย remove the d6 fromย the d6 from this card and replace a die in the roll with it.”
Mirror Jean-Lucย Picard’s other powers include Running Shot, Sidestep, Hypersonic Speed, Penetrating/Psychic Blast, Blades/Claws/Fangs, Precision Strike, Mastermind, Toughness, and Perplex.
What do you think of our pulls from the Star Trek HeroClix Away Team: The Next Generation – To Boldly Go set? Let us know in the comments. The set goes on sale on October 9th.