Star Trek: Prodigy Reveals Brand New Exclusive Clip

Star Trek: Prodigy gave fans a look at an exclusive clip from this week's episode. "Terror Firma" sees the entire crew of the Protostar having to battle the elements on a foreign world. All of the cadets will have to work together with Gwyn (who has been captive during the journey) to stay alive. If that weren't enough, could there be some other force lurking out on the planet's surface? It's all very fun and a great introduction to Star Trek for younger viewers. Prodigy has already been renewed for a second season and the buzz is building on Nickelodeon and Paramount+. Alan Wan and Olga Ulanova are directors on this episode. "Terror Firma" is written by Julie Benson and Shawna Benson. It will be curious to see if the crew of the Protostar can learn to work together on the fly as they've only been together for a little while since the events of the premiere episode. Check out the clip for yourself up above!

Longtime fans were delighted to see Kathryn Janeway back in the fold as the advisor for this new group of cadets. During the TCA presentation for the Paramount+ show, Kate Mulgrew talked about how excited she was to be back in the Starfleet uniform.

"I am delighted to be back playing her, I love her. When a character defines a part of you life, you are in turn deeply grateful, which I am," Mulgrew explained. "She has never left me and I am thrilled to be back and to be introducing this to children."

Series executive producer Alex Kurtzman said that this was a massive opportunity for the franchise when Prodigy was announced.

"Star Trek is about so many things that are formative: the idea that our best selves will emerge in the future, the idea that our better angels will lead us to an optimistic place where all the things that divide us now are gone, in the rear-view mirror," he mused. "What I love so much about Star Trek is that each generation that finds it keeps finding that message again and again." 

Paramount+ describes Star Trek: Prodigy:

"Developed by Emmy® Award-winners Kevin and Dan Hageman (Trollhunters and Ninjago) the CG-animated series Star Trek: Prodigy is the first Star Trek series aimed at younger audiences and will follow a motley crew of young aliens who must figure out how to work together while navigating a greater galaxy, in search for a better future. These six young outcasts know nothing about the ship they have commandeered – a first in the history of the Star Trek Franchise – but over the course of their adventures together, they will each be introduced to Starfleet and the ideals it represents."

Have you been loving Star Trek: Prodigy this season? Let us know in the comments!