Star Trek

Star Trek Fan Turns Next Generation Outtakes Into Hilarious Intakes

Star Trek: The Next Generation is known for the incredible chemistry between its cast members both […]

Star Trek: The Next Generation is known for the incredible chemistry between its cast members both on and off the screen (including Jonathan Frakes, hot off his role as Marvel’s Captain America). They were all known for sharing a great sense of humor, which is what makes the show’s blooper reels such a joy to watch. But what if the outtakes on those reels became part of the finished episodes? The YouTuber behind the Ryan’s Edits channel had that thought. They put together a series of videos called Star Trek INtakes. The short videos take outtakes from the blooper reels and edit them into the finished scenes from their respective episodes. The results are funny in their own right.

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The first one shows Geordi and Worf sharing a high five during the season four episode “Future Imperfect.” In the next, everyone rolls with Worf fumbling his line in the season three episode “Booby Trap.” The third video takes place during the same episode, with Guinan giving Geordi some unexpected advice. Something seems off with Riker in the fourth video, from the season seven episode “Parallels.” In the fifth video, Data shows some surprising emotion in the series finale episode “All Good Things.” You can watch all five of the videos below. We’ve also included a couple of the original blooper reels for some extra laughs.

The story of The Next Generation continues in Star Trek: Picard on CBS All Access. Though it focuses on Captain Jean-Luc Picard dealing with the legacy Commander Data left behind, it also featured appearances by Wiliam Riker and Deanna Troi. Tie-in materials revealed the fates of Geordi La Forge and Worf.

What do you think of these Star Trek: The Next Generation “INtakes”? Which is your favorite? Let us know how you feel about them in the comments.

Geordi and Worf Celebrate

Worf Does Not Play

LaForge Tries

Something’s Wrong

Date Gets Emotional

Season 3 Bloopers

Season 7 Bloopers