Star Wars' Carrie Fisher Is Writing An Advice Column

Star Wars actress Carrie Fisher has joined up with The Guardian for a new advice column called [...]

Carrie Fisher

Star Wars actress Carrie Fisher has joined up with The Guardian for a new advice column called Advice from the Dark Side.

The actress and author started things off with a thoughtful introduction about what she hopes to accomplish with this new column, as well as who she hopes will get the most benefit from it.

"Now, I want you all to consider calling upon me with your carefuls and I will provide solicited advice, based on a life filled with pratfalls and accidents (both in traffic and out). But – and I say this with a thing like love – let the questions come from the younger members of our congested world. No, really. I can't help you with your homework; but I can tell you what I did if I've had an experience like yours. Throw it at my wall and see what sticks. What you do with that info is up to you."

Throughout Fisher's diverse career the actress has fought some quite public demons, which she references here. She hopes those experiences can help others avoid some of the issues she's dealt with along the way.

She continues: "Hilariously – after all the drug addiction and celebration marriage and mental illness and divorce and shock treatment and heartbreak and motherhood and childhood and neighborhood and hood in general – I've turned out to be (at close to 70) a kind of happy person (go figure!). A human who's had her fair share of challenging and unhappy experiences. Over time, I've paid attention, taken notes and forgotten easily half of everything I've gone through. But I'll rifle through the half I recall and lay it at your feet."

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