Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker Producers Reveal When Everything Clicked for the Film's Ending

In just a few short weeks, we will all see the end of the Skywalker Saga when Star Wars: The Rise [...]

In just a few short weeks, we will all see the end of the Skywalker Saga when Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker finally premieres in theaters. There is a lot of anticipation building for this movie as it will cap off a storyline that's gone on for over 40 years. And the people at Lucasfilm know they have something special as they confidently promote the release of the 11th movie in the Star Wars franchise. Producers Kathleen Kennedy and Michelle Rejwan addressed the end of the ongoing storyline, explaining how they knew this movie would serve as fitting conclusion to the saga.

During an interview with io9, the Lucasfilm executives were asked about how they knew this would be a satisfying end to the franchise.

"I think there was a point in the shooting where there was an epiphany moment. Where all of us very clearly said, 'Yes, this feels right.' The how, getting there, the details in that? We were right up until the end," said Kennedy. "And I think the great thing about the dialogue that happened consistently with J.J. [Abrams], Michelle, Chris [Terrio], and myself was that because we all know each other pretty well—Chris was really the only person we didn't know super well—but there was a very free, confident, honest dialogue that could happen. Nobody was being overly polite. [Both producers laugh]. If you didn't think something made sense. If you couldn't follow it, if you thought, from a fan's point of view, that you're stepping outside the lines and it was a bogus kind of thinking, no one was afraid to say that because we knew how important this was to get right. And we didn't let things go."

Kennedy went on to explain that they tried to give Abrams and co-writer Chris Terrio more options when they felt a certain storyline or choice didn't work out, hoping to arrive at the best possible conclusion.

"Yeah, we weren't afraid to say 'No, I don't see it. Here's where I have a problem. This isn't quite landing.' We were all just very honest with one another because we recognize how important it was," she explained. "And I feel really fortunate to have certain people inside Lucasfilm that really, really know Star Wars. Know Star Wars far more deeply than I pretend to. And I think they sat at the feet of George for a long period of time. They fundamentally understand what was always very important to him in terms of defining this mythology and understanding this mythology. And it's important to have those voices weigh in as well."

Star Wars: the Rise of Skywalker will premiere in theaters on Friday, December 20th.