Star Wars Fans Troll Game of Thrones Over Daenerys' Fall From Grace

If there is anybody familiar with the concept of a fall from grace, it has to be the Star Wars [...]

If there is anybody familiar with the concept of a fall from grace, it has to be the Star Wars fandom. When the prequels began coming out, part of Lucas's narrative was that it made the six movies then available into Anakin Skywalker's story -- a young hero who was corrupted and ultimately became a villain, only to redeem himself in his final moments. So it should be no surprise that, after fan-favorite character Daenerys Targaryen broke bad in the final season of Game of Thrones, the always-vocal Star Wars fandom had something to say about it. One fan even put together an entire Twitter thread of images and quotes from Star Wars to make the point.

Beside a wealth of Twitter mentions, a popular Reddit thread claimed that Anakin Skywalker's heel turn happened over the course of less than 15 minutes, movie-time, but still made more sense than Daenerys's turn to the dark side in the final season of Game of Thrones. That claim can be rebutted slightly by saying that Anakin's turn to the Dark Side had been repeatedly foreshadowed over the life of the three prequel movies (and the audience went in with the expectation that it would happen), but it could also be argued that Game of Thrones had seven prior seasons that add up to more hours of TV than Star Wars had hours of content when Star Wars: Revenge of the Sith came out, so they had just as much opportunity to plant those seeds in the audience's minds.

You can see the post below:

My man Anakin went from defending the galaxy to killing children in 13 minutes flat, and it still made more sense than Danys story line. from r/freefolk

The Game of Thrones finale was no less controversial than the rest of its final season -- although that controversy seems to be largely contained to the most active parts of the fandom, as the ratings for those final episodes were through the roof. During an interview with Entertainment Weekly recently, Emilia Clarke said that she stood by her character, despite the brutal acts she undertook in the final few episodes.

Star Wars is no stranger to controversy, either; basically every movie released since 1999's Star Wars Episode I: The Phantom Menace has been put through a wringer of online venom and fans who don't think it met their expectations. In spite of any positive comparisons Revenge of the Sith might draw to Game of Thrones, it drew more than its fair share of criticism as well when it was new.