Star Wars

Star Wars: Marvel Delivers Double Dose of Shirtless Han Solo in New Comics

Harrison Ford debuted as Han Solo in 1977 and instantly became a sex symbol thanks to his good […]

Harrison Ford debuted as Han Solo in 1977 and instantly became a sex symbol thanks to his good looks and rugged charms, though his on-screen costumes kept his physique almost completely covered up. The latest issue of Marvel’s Star Wars comic makes good on what many fans have only been imagining for decades, depicting a shirtless Solo chopping wood.

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In the comic, Luke, Leia, and Han are hiding out on an isolated planet while the Empire aims to find the Rebels, with the series taking place between the events of Star Wars: A New Hope and Star Wars: The Empire Strikes Back. When hoping to find an adult beverage, Han is told by the community that is keeping their location hidden that they don’t believe in money, instead using physical labor to earn resources.

As you can see from the panels above, Han works up quite a sweat while chopping wood, leading him to remove his shirt. Readers aren’t the only ones surprised with the pilot’s physique, with Leia also being startled by the sight before her.

While some fans of the character will surely be excited to have their curiosities satiated with the revealing look at Han in the Star Wars book, we couldn’t help but notice that Marvel also released the second issue of their Solo: A Star Wars Story adaptation today, offering a glimpse at another shirtless Solo.

This month’s issue covers Chewbacca and Han’s first encounter on Mimban where they both get caked in mud before Beckett accepts them into his crew. The pilot offers the two a chance to clean up and, with Chewbacca being somewhat unaware of the concept of personal space, they enter the shower together, giving readers a glimpse of a younger shirtless Solo.

The original films in the Star Wars series was relatively tame in its depictions of the human form, with the glaring exception being Leia Organa being forced to wear a bikini in Star Wars: Return of the Jedi, making the above combo of shirtless Solos coming as a surprise to readers. The prequel films, however, were a little more liberal with its characters, which depicted a shirtless Anakin Skywalker and exposed Padme Amidala’s midriff.

The release of Star Wars: The Last Jedi came with many meme-able moments, the most popular of which was a scene featuring a shirtless Kylo Ren. Thanks to these new comics, fans can finally see where that impressive torsos run in the Solo family.

Were you surprised to see these illustrations in the new Star Wars comics? Let us know in the comments below or hit up @TheWolfman on Twitter to talk all things Star Wars and horror!