Adorable Video of Little Girl Professing Her Love for Star Wars' Kylo Ren Goes Viral

Kylo Ren (Adam Driver) has become a pretty significant antagonist in the Star Wars saga, but it's [...]

Kylo Ren (Adam Driver) has become a pretty significant antagonist in the Star Wars saga, but it's clear that he has quite a lot of fans -- even the smallest ones. A video from Aurora Adeleigh has made the rounds online, which showcases her daughter's visit with Kylo Ren at one of the Disney parks. The video sees the young girl ultimately saying that she loves Kylo, to which he responds "Perfect!".

The video has stolen the hearts of an ever-growing number of Star Wars fans, especially those who have been hoping for Kylo to get redeemed within the context of the films.

"Are you kidding? Vader was worse than Kylo ever was, I think, and Vader got redeemed." The Last Jedi director Rian Johnson said in 2017. "Also, I should just for the record [say] that I'm not involved in the writing of the next movie. I'm an audience member in it, just like you, so when I talk about what's going to happen next it's in the context of, as a fan, what I'm thinking of."

Fans will get to see the next chapter of Kylo's story in Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker, which is expected to take his arc into a whole new direction.

"That's hard to say because we're working toward something in particular with that character," Driver cryptically shared in a previous interview. "I don't want to give anything away."

While we might not know exactly what Kylo's narrative has in store, we do know that he will be taking part in an epic duel with Rey (Daisy Ridley).

"[The Throne Room fight] felt pretty cool, and also that was really hard because everything had to match up. There's like a dolly shot coming through and it ends with me and I think I was fighting James at the time, who's the stuntman with the two swords," Ridley said in an interview earlier this year. "It was so tiring. We did like 25 takes because if one thing was off we had to keep going. But I was really proud of that fight."

She added, "This fight, it was November, we had water being thrown at us—I'm not gonna complain about the cold, I'm just not gonna do it (laughs)—so it was like a real thing of stamina. It felt really epic, and it felt epic even at the time. One can only imagine what it's gonna look like."

Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker arrives in theaters on December 20th.