At this point, it’s a well known fact that The Walking Dead series has drastically altered course front he story told in the comics. A lot of the major plot points have been hit in both, but many characters have changed roles and attitudes. This has led to some characters outlasting their comic counterparts, and some that died a little too early.
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This is a point people keep harping on when it comes to the mystery of who Negan killed in the Season 6 finale. In the comics, Glenn met Lucille on that fateful night, but there has been a lot of speculation as to whether that actually happened in the show, due to the fact that he has been spotted on set.
Remember, last season, when Denise took an arrow to the back of the head? That scene was taken from the comics, but it was Abraham who bit the dust. The series is full of changes like this, so let’s look at four characters who are still alive at this point in the comics.

Andrea was a fan-favorite character in her 35 episodes on the series, but was killed escaping Woodbury. In the comics, believe it or not, she’s an even more important role. Not only was she around when Negan first popped on the scene in issue #100, but she’s still involved as recently as this month’s issue #157.
Instead of killing her before The Governor’s exit, the comic gave her a bigger role as a confidant to Rick. Her relationship with Dale was drawn out a little more, due to the character’s overlap with Hershel, and that made his death even more meaningful. Andrea became the sharpshooter in Alexandria, and even became Rick’s eventual love interest. On the show, this role was given to Michonne.
“Andrea is hands down the biggest diversion from comics to TV,” says The Walking Dead insider Brandon Davis. “Laurie Holden was actually told her Andrea character would go on to be with Rick in the end, just like her character did in the comics. Clearly, that didn’t pan out following Frank Darabont’sย departure from the show and Michonneย seems to be filling the role, at least for now.”
Andrea has been a bad-ass from the very beginning of the comic, and we’ve come to know her character just as much as we have Rick or Carl. It’s a shame she had to go so early though, as there’s plenty of story for her left in the books.

One of the most heartbreaking deaths in The Walking Dead series had to have been Carol’s daughter, Sophia. After getting lost early on, Sophia reappears as a walker in Hershel’s barn. Rick has to shoot her, despite the desperate cries from Carol, and that became a huge moment in Season 2. This, however, was not the case in the books.
Instead of becoming the force that she did on the show, the Carol in the comics went out pretty quickly. After to trying to attach herself to Rick and Lori, in the biblical sense, she decided there was nothing left for her. While in the prison, Carol killed herself by letting a walker get close enough to bite.
Her death left Sophia without any parents, so the young girl was then adopted by Maggie and Glenn. Throughout the comics, they have raised her as their own, with Sophia calling Maggie “mommy” on several occasions. She’s still around to this day, and gives Carl an interesting dynamic as she’s been a friend to him from the beginning.

Like Carol, Nicholas’ character was very different in the comics. In the series, Nicholas will be remembered as the coward who left Glenn and Noah to die. He didn’t make it too much long after that encounter, and many fans were grateful for that.
In the comics, Nicholas was a much more upstanding citizen of Alexandria. He helped Rick when he needed it, was a good father to his son, and was a general pleasure to have around. At times, he took on some of the role Tobin has on the series, as Tobin died earlier in the comics.
While not a major character, Nicholas was much more useful in the comics than on the series. His biggest purpose on screen was to be a sort of villain in their own community, but that was short-lived.

Like we talked about earlier, Denise’s death on the series was based on the death of Abraham in the comics. She was one Alexandria’s doctors in both mediums, but that was about her only similarity.
She plays a much larger role in the comic series, and she has a much different relationship than we’re used to seeing. On the show, Denise is popular for being one half of the first lesbian couple on the show. She and Tara had built a meaningful relationship before her death, and it added a layer to her character. In the comics, however, she is in love with Heath, the town runner.
There were plenty of changes made to Denise’s character, but they all seemed to be welcomed ones. Both versions are smart and witty, and both were adored by fans.
Were any comic readers disappointed in some of these deaths? Any you wished had come sooner? Let us know in the comments below!