Spoilers for The Walking Dead 8×02.
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We’re just two episodes into The Walking Dead season 8, and the season has already taken a pretty big turn with the surprise reappearance of a familiar face.
In the season 8 premiere, Rick lead the united soldiers of the Alexandria, Hilltop and Kingdom communities in their first strike against Negan and the Saviors’ compound, forcing a horde of Walkers to overrun the compromised compound. In 8×02, “The Damned,” the attack on the Saviors continued: Rick and Daryl set off to seize a cache of Savior guns, while Morgan, Jesus, Tara and Diane wiped out a Savior outpost (the same satellite outpost Rick and co. attacked in the middle of the night in 6×12) as Aaron, Eric, Scott, Tobin, Francine and others rolled up to yet another Savior outpost in their armored vehicles in another concurrent surprise attack.
All Out War is fully underway, and we’re seeing our first casualties on both sides: plenty of Saviors have been shot, stabbed or become Walker chow, but Alexandria, Hilltop and the Kingdom are seeing losses as well — Alexandria’s Francine was killed, and Tobin took a shot to the arm; Freddie and Andy of the Hilltop were cut down during the raid on the satellite outpost. Aaron’s boyfriend, Eric, revealed a pretty nasty wound to the gut, and it remains to be seen if Eric will meet his comic book fate.
AMC has released a preview for episode 8×03, “Monsters,” which you can watch above. The synopsis is below:
“Conflict with the Saviors leads to unintended consequences for the Hilltop, the Kingdom, and Alexandria; morality proves tricky in wartime.”
Is the synopsis hinting at a death (or two, or three, or…) for our triumvirate of heroes? When will we find out how or if Father Gabriel makes it out of his perilous situation with Negan? What’s with the baby? Keep tuning in Sundays at 9/8c on AMC to have all your burning questions answered.