The Walking Dead

The Walking Dead: Melissa McBride Shares Rick Grimes “Bring Him Home” Picture

Andrew Lincoln departed The Walking Dead and his role of Rick Grimes in the fifth episode of the […]

Andrew Lincoln departed The Walking Dead and his role of Rick Grimes in the fifth episode of the show’s ninth season. On Sunday night, Danai Gurira left the show and her role of Michonne behind, likely joining Lincoln in the upcoming movies. More than a year since Lincoln departed the series, there has been little news of what to expect or when to expect it from the promised trilogy of films where he will reprise his role as Rick. However, when Michonne left the show after getting a message from Rick, the mission of these movies may finally be clear: bring him home. Carol actress Melissa McBride joined in on such a sentiment.

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McBride went on Twitter to share an image of Lincoln as Rick Grimes, using the specific hashtag after Michonne’s instruction to “bring him home” from Judith was spoken on the series. She used three hasthags: #TheWalkingDead, #Michonne, and #BringHimHome. Could this be some sort of tease of what to expect from the movies? Absolutely.

Check out McBride’s post featuring Lincoln’s Rick from Twitter below.

McBride has been with The Walking Dead since its earliest days, one of two remaining cast members to have spent as much time on set with Lincoln (the other being Norman Reedus).

As for where Rick Grimes is, the clues have all been laid out and it is clear that he is “north” of Alexandria. The character is most likely in Philadelphia, though the script for the movies continues to evolve behind the scenes and rewrites have been in progress. There is no word on when the films will begin production or be released. It is likely the currently delayed The Walking Dead: World Beyond series will conclude its two-season run before the movies are released in theaters.

What do you want to see from the The Walking Dead‘s Rick Grimes movies when they finally arrive? Share your thoughts in the comment section or send them my way on Instagram and Twitter!

The Walking Dead airs Sundays at 9pm ET on AMC.