A man named Chuck explains something over the radio — he wants to be killed when people arrive. He was bitten. He explains that everything they need is where he is. Everything from a book store to an urgent care. A presumable zombified version of Chuck follows the sound of Dwight’s axe on a door, which is used to smash his face into it before he and the group enter the mall, realizing it is nearly untouched.
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In an office elsewhere, Morgan and Grace find an iPod. There is a note promising his favorite songs. They find a chair where Chuck tied himself up until he turned.
Later, Grace falls unconscious. She was thinking her blood sugar was low moments earlier.
Fear the Walking Dead‘s opening credits play.
Elsewhere, Danielย and Skidmark are leading a group of people. They need to keep moving. He plays music over the radio as a storm seems to be coming.
Back at the mall, Morgan wakes Grace who is laid up on a mattress that was for sale. Dwight enters with the radio call from Daniel. They’re working to get gas before Logan. Morgan comes up with a plan.ย
Dwight gives Morgan a package of water bottles to bring into the mall before he heads out. He explains that they’re not doing careful. Dwight has been on “the wrong side of taking what people need.” He wants to know how this story with Logan is going to end. Morgan explains he has faith in people. Dwight ultimately radios to Daniel to tell him he is heading south.
Inside, Grace isย listening to A Tale of Two Cities on the iPodย and looking at zombies. Morgan stops her from walking down an escalator to them.
Morgan encourages Grace to give up on looking for Chuck. She says she wasn’t going down there for him but for her. Morgan wants to help her as she isn’t sure when she will die. She wants to get to the generator of the mall.ย
While going to the bathroom on the side of the road, Dwight is approached by a man with a gun to his head. He gets knocked out by the man.ย
In the mall, a remote control car with metal ice scoopers is driven to lead the herd of walkers away. Morgan is getting her to the Urgent Care so they can access the generators through the back halls. Grace goes rogue and tries to find Chuck but gets the whole herd to chase her. Morgan and Grace lock themselves in a store. Now they have to wait for Dwight to get back.
Dwight, meanwhile, wakes up in the back of a truck at night. Dwight tries to reason with the guy who promises to kill him if he doesn’t give up the oil fields. Dwight isn’t scared of the man.ย
Karen and Morgan get to know each other in the store. She tells stories of being scared as a kid. She promptsย Morgan to talk about his son but he doesn’t want to and the glass doors start to break.ย
Back in the truck, Dwight is visited by the new guy again. The man turns his attention to the letters from Sherry and believes those will get Dwight to talk. He starts lighting one on fire. As Dwight starts toward him, a gun gets in his face first. A walkerย approaches and the man has to kill it which gives Dwight the opportunity to get the upper hand. He doesn’t kill the man though.
Later, Morgan explains to Grace that Duane was six when he got him a remote control car. It was a reward for good grades. “He used to race that car up and down the street til it got too dark to see,” Morgan explains. “He made me smile. He did. See, I’ve always been a kind of serious guy except with them. That’s how I knew it was right. First date with my wife, Jenny, found myself smiling. This giant stupid smile, all night afterward. I don’t think I could’veย wiped it off my face even if I tried.”
Morgan asks Grace is she has someone. She doesn’t, likely out of fear. She liked someone at the plant, though. On that note, the generator works and the power comes on in the mall. The Urgent Care looks clear. They try to raise barricade but it triggers an alarm, attracting the herd. Walkers rush at them. They rush to the escalator to go up. Grace has to shoot a walker. The herd starts making its way up the stairs and they are also surrounded from the sides. Grace finds a way to send the escalator back down. Now, they have to turn the alarm off.ย
Later, Dwight gives the man a second chance before freeing him. He will walk away and choose to continue down the bad path or “figure out someone else to be.”ย
At the mall, Grace and Morgan find Chuck. He’s not dead yet. He wanted to see the stars one more time, so heย went upstairs but he still can’t see them. Grace find a light which makes it look like there are stars on the ceiling. The man cries tears of joy.ย
The next day, Morgan and Grace bury the man outside the mall and put a stuffed turtle on top of him.ย
They make it to the Urgent Care, where Grace decides she no longer wants to go inside because she doesn’t want to find out when she is going to die. They hang out at the mall and ride the carousel.ย
Later, Daniel arrives hoping for a Cinnabon. He’s disappointed. Dwight explains that he let a man go because they’re not doing careful. Together, they stock up at the mall. Daniel cuts Dwight’s hair and beard. He sees himself looking clean for the first time. Things are going well at the mall.ย
Morgan won’t stay here. He is going to give Alicia back up. Grace isn’t happy to see hmiย go.ย