Fear The Walking Dead Recap With Spoilers: Sicut Cervus

Children sing in a church with light flooding in. A priest listens anxiously, as do others from [...]

(Photo: Richard Foreman/AMC)

Children sing in a church with light flooding in. A priest listens anxiously, as do others from their seats. The Father stands up and addresses everyone in Spanish. He tells everyone they are being tested and assures them that everything going on is not from their God. Everyone rushes outside with weapons.

Thomas Abigail rushes to the church and tells the priest he is wrong. One woman starts bleeding from her eyes, followed by the rest. The Father is bleeding as well and tells Abigail this was Cynthia's doing.

Chris and Travis sit aboard the Abigail and discuss the fact that Chris shot Reed. Chris is upset to learn that Madison didn't trust him despite saying she did.

Madison, Luis, and Strand discuss their plan to get to Baja. One more stop. Luis heads out on his own. A small boat approaches and Strand calls Luis back and seems frantic. He tells Madison to get everyone below deck immediately. She rounds everyone up to hide below deck.

Below deck, everyone listens. Daniel sits at the door with a gun and translates for everybody. They are discussing money and the boat. Strand tries to dodge but the man wants to inspect the boat since it is too big for two people. Daniel gets ready to fight just as gun shots ring out. The engine picks up and the ship is moving. Everyone rushes upstairs to find a dead Luis and others approaching the boat.

Daniel goes outside on his own and stabs the dead men before approaching Luis. Luis pleads with him not to kill him. Ophelia rushes out, as does Nick, and they convince him not to kill Luis. They find a token in his pocket and Luis asks Daniel to give it to his mother but Daniel tosses it into the ocean.

Madison and Travis watch as the ship approaches the land. Strand says the men stopped shooting because they think whatever is on land will kill them.

Later and now on land, the group walks uphill. They come across a pile of dead bodies with a dog eating them. Chris looks at them curiously. Strand finds Abigail's truck and rushes to him but can't find him. He searches the church, too.

A horde of walkers approaches the group and Chris tosses everyone some weapons. Nick uses an axe for the first blow. Chris digs in, as well, followed by Strand, Ophelia, and Daniel. Nick has to put down a little girl and Daniel a priest then a little boy. As he holds the zombie boy back, he has flashbacks to his time in the Ecuadorian civil war. Ophelia puts the walker down. Madison is tackled by a zombie and Chris just looks on. Alicia has to rush to her aid. Abigail calls for everybody to leave and they do with the exception of Nick who is sitting back upset about the little girl he had to kill.

The group heads off in a truck and sees Thomas Abigail's home from the distance. The gate opens and they are allowed inside.

They are welcomed and Strand jumps straight to asking about Thomas but also has to inform her that Luis is gone. The rest of the group gives up their weapons in exchange for a tour of the house. Daniel is reluctant, insisting there is always a need for a weapon. The woman tells him that he can keep it but only outside of the house. He hands over a gun after Ophelia's urge to do so.

Inside, Strand finds Thomas laid up by a door with his arm bandaged. It's covering a bite. Strand is teary eyed as he finds him. He apologizes. "It's okay, I waited for you," Abigail says before asking for a moment alone. Strand is emotional. He offers to help Thomas into bed. He's very weak. They embrace each other before heading towards it.

Alicia watches some black and white television as Chris approaches. He asks if she is mad at him and she tells him, "I saw what you did." He plays dumb but she is mad that he was just watching her mom get killed. He tells her he wouldn't do that and that she can't tell anyone. She tries to leave but he grabs her. He tells her "I don't want to hurt anyone," before walking away.

Nick finds Thomas's Celia in the kitchen. She offers to feed him if he'll keep it a secret from everyone who is waiting for dinner. She hands him a bowl and he compliments it. Nick tells her that Luis was asking for her as he died. She asks him why his smile is so heavy and he tells her he is sick of it. She tells him that none of this is new and that the dead have always walked among them. Madison cuts in and says that it is a pretty big difference. He heads up to a shower and Madison dismisses Cecilia's claim of Nick being special by saying he is impressionable. She thanks Cecilia for the hospitality and leaves.

Daniel looks at some photos and carving as Celia approaches him. She places a photo of Luis on the wall and Daniel apologizes for her loss. She says there's nothing to be sorry for.

Madison brings Strand and Thomas some food. They're laying in bed together. Thomas apologizes for being a bad host but the circumstances are poor. Thomas asks her to promise him something - to look after Strand when he's gone. She agrees.

Ophelia goes looking for Daniel and finds him sitting by himself claiming not to be hungry. He's reflecting on Griselda. He is optimistic about Ophelia's hunger meaning that the infection is gone. He instructs her to tell the others he is just too tired for dinner.

Alicia is still watching TV as Madison approaches. They talk for a moment before it turns to Alicia revealing a fear of Madison never coming back growing up. She reveals what happened with Chris and Madison storms up to Travis to confront him about it. She tells him about Chris watching her get attacked by the zombies. Travis wants to help him and compares it to Nick's former situation. A fight ensues between the two of them and they're going to sleep with their kids tonight.

Strand continues sitting with and comforting Thomas as the infection claims him. Strand tells him to go to sleep, saying that this world was never good enough for him. Thomas cries as he doesn't want to leave Strand. Strand offers to go with him. Thomas doesn't want to let him but turns to allowing it.

Daniel sees a little boy dropping a puppy down a chute. It cries out upon landing.

Ophelia and Nick walk through a vineyard. She's been leading him to a memorial for the dead and says she has to talk to her mother. Nick hesitantly joins her. She asks when the last time he was inside of a church but he says he can't remember. She starts talking to her mother and says that her father has lost his way without her. Nick zones out when he sees an owl carved into the tree above. He reflects on waking up and finding Gloria and getting hit by a car. Ophelia finishes up her prayer and thanks Nick for accompanying her.

Daniel sneaks around the property and finds a young boy talking to someone and asks who he is talking to. The kid says it's his mother. Daniel asks to meet her and sees a pack of walkers being held back by a gate.

Daniel heads to the kitchen where he finds Celia. He questions her about who is responsible. She tells him that those people are family. This is a way to keep them safe, she insists. Celia has been killing people with poison. She believes Daniel is the one who truly killed them, though, and questions why he is so afraid of death.

Strand watches Celia take care of Thomas and sings to him. She approaches Strand and tells him that she never thought he was good enough for him. She tells him she was wrong and his decision is brave and beautiful. She tells him it won't take long before leaving off with, "Sleep, my boy," in Spanish.

Nick finds Celia in a courtyard drinking wine. He asks her if the walkers are really dead and she says they're not. He questions what they are and she says "They are what comes next."

Strand sits with Abigail who is still fading. His breathing stops and his eyes go cold. Strand holds him and kissed him goodbye. His attention turns to the poison but walks out of the room without it.

Travis lays asleep as Chris wakes up and sneaks out. Strand goes through the dresser drawers.

Chris enters Alicia and Madison's room. He whispers for Alicia but she doesn't answer. Just as he picks up a knife, there's a gunshot, waking the two of them.

Strand has shot Thomas through a pillow. He sits on the bed and drops the gun.